David Larsen has worked as an environmental scientist/geologist for the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste since 1988. His work is RCRA related, including permitting, inspections and corrective action. He represented the state of Utah on the military munitions and range rule teams. He has written RCRA storage, treatment (OB/OD), post-closure and RD&D permits. The RD&D permits were for facilities designed to demilitarize conventional and chemical munitions. He has inspected explosive and propellant manufacturing facilities, military facilities including the chemical weapons incinerator in Utah and on Johnston atoll, military ranges and many of the FUDS sites in Utah. He has worked with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and local Army EOD and Technical Escort units on projects involving surface and subsurface clearance and subsequent management of biological, chemical and conventional munitions. His main duties currently include acting as regulatory project manager for corrective action at military bases. One of these projects involved characterization and evaluation of a very old site that was used to open burn 30,000 chemical agent (GB) filled M55 rockets.