Tony Lieberman is the Bioremediation Program Manager and Senior Environmental Scientist with Solutions-IES in Raleigh, North Carolina. Mr. Lieberman has a B.S. in Biology from St. Lawrence University and an M.S. in Microbiology from Penn State University. With over 30 years of academic and industrial research and environmental consulting experience, Tony leads Solutions-IES' efforts on many industrial, Brownfields, and DoD sites, using biological and non-biological approaches to address complex environmental conditions. He has prepared over 45 publications and presentations for scientific journals, trade magazines, and symposium proceedings and is a contributing member of the ITRC Perchlorate Team.
Tony is currently serving as Project Manager for an ESTCP contract evaluating the technical viability and cost-effectiveness of emulsified oil substrate as a permeable reactive barrier and source area remediation technology for biodegradation of chlorinated solvents and perchlorate and is Principle Investigator for Solutions-IES' ESTCP-funded study of the potential for the monitored natural attenuation of perchlorate.