Steve Wampler is based in Denver, Colorado and is Vice President and Director of Engineering for AquAeTer, Inc. an environmental engineering and science consulting firm. He has been with AquAeTer, Inc. since 1997 and works as a principal geological engineer and hydrogeologist responsible for corporate quality assurance, strategic planning, and project technical oversight and review. He has 30-years experience in engineering geology, hydrogeology, geotechnical engineering, and environmental consulting, with much of that experience dealing with the management of solid, hazardous, and radioactive waste materials and response to releases of hazardous and radioactive constituents into the environment. Steve has been involved with the ITRC Alternate Landfill Technologies team since 2002 when the team started its efforts concerning alternate final covers, and has coordinated the efforts of a small group focusing on cover construction. Steve is an instructor on ITRC's Alternative Landfill Covers Internet-based training course. He earned a bachelor's degree in 1971 and a master's degree in 1972, both in geological engineering from the University of Missouri at Rolla in Rolla, Missouri. He is a registered professional engineer and geologist in Colorado.