Kimberly McEvoy is a Senior Geologist with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) in the Site Remediation Program in Trenton, New Jersey. Before joining the NJDEP, Kimberly worked for five years as a geologist with private environmental consulting companies located in Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Maryland, where she became familiar with various environmental regulations and guidelines associated with groundwater sampling. In 2000, she was hired as a regulator within the NJDEP Bureau of Groundwater Pollution Assessment, advising consultants and private citizens on how to collect a representative groundwater sample. At this time, she was introduced to the work of the ITRC Passive Sampler Team by a coworker who was deploying polyethylene diffusion bags (PDBs) and the regenerated cellulose dialysis (RCD) samplers to collect pore water from stream sediments. Kimberly 's interest led her to become a co-leader of the ITRC Passive Sampler Team in 2004. Since that time, she has taken over as Team Leader, helping the team develop two ITRC-supported technical documents. Her involvement as Team Leader has helped her present the value and usefulness of passive sampling technologies to audiences within the NJDEP and around the country. Her goal for the team is to help identify the validity of passive sampling approaches to the regulatory and consulting communities to the point that these technologies are not considered "innovative" sampling techniques but are accepted approaches to collect groundwater samples. Kimberly earned a bachelor's degree in geological science from Pennsylvania State University in State College, Pennsylvania in 1998.