Brian Looney is a Senior Fellow Engineer at the Department of Energy (DOE) Savannah River National Laboratory in Aiken SC and an adjunct professor in the Environmental Engineering Science Department at Clemson University. For the past 25 years, he has coordinated applied research and the development & deployment of environmental characterization and clean-up methods. This work has advanced the application of improved access techniques (e.g., environmental horizontal drilling and cone penetrometer), improved remediation methods (e.g., sparging, bioremediation and thermal methods), and improved characterization tools (e.g., tracer testing, soil gas methods and geophysics). Currently, Brian coordinates technical activities to support and document appropriate uses of attenuation based remedies and he serves as a senior technical advisor supporting the DOE Environmental Management Program. He is an active member of the ITRC Enhanced Attenuation Chlorinated Organics Team, and has provided technical input to a number of other ITRC teams. He has received numerous awards and has authored and edited many publications including the recent book, Vadose Zone Science and Technology Solutions. He received his bachelors degree in environmental science from Texas Christian University, Ft. Worth TX, in 1978, and earned his doctorate degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, in 1984.