Bart Faris, is a hydrogeologist with the New Mexico Environment Department's (NMED) Ground Water Quality Bureau. He is the project manager/regulator for multiple contamination sites throughout New Mexico dealing with numerous contaminants. He serves as NMED's water representative for Border Issues with Mexico. Bart is the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) team leader for the In Situ Bioremediation team and was the team leader for the Enhanced In Situ Biodenitrification team. He is also a member of the Technical Advisory Group for the Innovative Treatment and Remediation Demonstration (ITRD) program at Oakridge National Laboratory Y-12 carbon tetrachloride (CT) project. Bart received his B.S in Soil and Water Science from the University of Arizona in 1983, and has published papers on in situ biodenitrification and monitored natural attenuation of CT. Bart has spent over 15 years in Latin America working with community's water resources and agricultural production.