Greg Neumann is a Research Scientist in the Bureau of Environmental Evaluation and Risk Assessment at the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) in Trenton, NJ. Since 1992, Greg’s primary responsibilities at the NJDEP are the review of Baseline Ecological Evaluations and Ecological Risk Assessments associated with both State and Federal Superfund Sites; as well as the review of remedial investigations and remedial actions for soils for the most complex sites in NJ. Greg serves as a member of the US Environmental Protection Agency Biological Technical Assistance Group that provides ecological guidance to EPA Remedial Project Managers. He was one of the primary authors of the NJDEP’s Guidance For Sediment Quality Evaluations and is presently a member of the Licensed Site Remediation Professional Ecological Committee that is developing guidance on evaluating ecological risk for this new program. Greg, along with other DEP Staff, is an instructor for a short course on conducting Ecological Risk Assessments at Rutgers University. Greg has been a Team Member of the ITRC Contaminated Sediment Team since its inception in 2008 and will be Co-Leading the Teams next Contaminated Sediment project that will focus on Remediation. Greg earned a bachelor’s degree in Biology (Ecological Science concentration) from the State University of NY College of Oneonta in 1989, and a master’s degree in Environmental Science from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio in 1991.