John Menatti is the Manager of the Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund in the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Salt Lake City, Utah. John has worked and in the environmental field since 1986 and for the Utah DEQ since 1999. Prior to joining the Utah DEQ, John worked for two national environmental consulting firms (Woodward-Clyde Consultants and PRC Environmental Management in San Diego, California), and environmental regulatory agency (San Diego County Site Assessment & Mitigation Division), a national law firm (Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps in San Diego, California), and operated his own environmental consulting firm in Utah (JLM Environmental Consulting). John has been a member of the ITRC LNAPL Team since 2007 and was a contributing author of the April 2009 ITRC Technology Overview document: “Evaluating Natural Source Zone Depletion at Sites with LNAPL” (LNAPL-1). He earned a bachelor’s degree in soil science from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California in 1980 and a master’s degree in environmental science from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah in 2007. John is a Utah Professional Geologist.