Jennifer Strauss is an Environmental Protection Specialist for the Colorado Division of Oil & Public Safety (OPS) in Denver, Colorado. Jennifer has worked with the Remediation Section since 2012. She reviews and analyzes Site Characterization Reports, Corrective Action Plans, State Lead and Petroleum Brownfields Workplans, and Monitoring & Remediation Reports to support the cleanup of contamination from petroleum storage tanks. Jennifer was involved in the creation of the web-based OPS Petroleum Program Guidance Document and is a member of the Application Review Group for the Recognized Environmental Professional Program. Prior to working with OPS, Jennifer spent eight years at the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection working on stormwater planning and permitting, the Act 2 Voluntary Cleanup Program, and the Corrective Action Program. Jennifer has contributed to ITRC as a team member since 2016 for the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Risk Evaluation team. She earned a bachelor's degree in geology from Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 2002.