Kirby Biggs is a Senior Analyst with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, DC. He has been with USEPA’s Superfund program since 1979 and is a Superfund Charter Member. In his current position with USEPA’s Technology Innovation Program he directs site-specific projects by conducting Independent Design Reviews and Long-Term Monitoring and Optimization Studies. Kirby is a primary contact for the Triad Community of Practice, a member of the EPA Superfund Green Remediation work group and he supports the delivery of classroom optimization courses and sponsors development of technology-oriented internet seminars. As an USEPA Federal Advisor to the Interstate Regulatory Technology Council (ITRC) he manages the EPA Superfund cooperative agreement with the Environmental Council of the States, participates on the ITRC Green and Sustainable Remediation Team, the ITRC Biofuels Team and the ITRC Remediation Risk Management Team. Kirby’s past EPA work includes organizational analysis, strategic planning and budgeting, policy and regulation development, program implementation, technology cost modeling, expert systems and, more recently, site specific technical support. He is expert in State/EPA relations, Superfund grants and contracts regulations and is knowledgeable in grants law. Kirby has been certified as a Project Officer and COTR for 25 years and formerly managed the co-regulator agreement with the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials. He has served as a Union steward, national representative, negotiator, and health and safety officer. Prior to joining EPA Kirby spent seven years in the private sector in credit, finance, manufacturing, and consulting. He has published several papers. Kirby earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia in 1979. He earned a master’s degree in Public Policy, specializing in environmental policy, from the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland in 1999.