Kelly Black Kelly Black  is a Senior Environmental Statistician with Neptune and Company located in Denver, Colorado.  She has worked in the environmental arena for the past two decades and has broad experience with environmental problems from systematic planning, through development of sampling plans, to data analysis.  Her work focuses on using creative sampling solutions to optimize decision making within the ever-present budgetary and practical constraints of environmental projects.  Kelly has been teaching environmental statistics and quality assurance/quality control workshops for more than 15 years.  She has been active in ITRC since 2004, first participating on the Brownfields team and then as co-lead for the statistics subgroup on the Incremental Sampling Methodology team.  Kelly earned a bachelor's degree in statistics with minors in Economics and Sociology from Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana, in 1986, and a master's in statistics from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1987.