KariAnne Czajkowski is an Assistant Project Manager/Ecological Risk Assessment Specialist with Langan Engineering and Environmental Services located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. KariAnne has over ten years of technical project support experience primarily focused on ecological risk assessment and environmental investigations and has worked for Langan since 2001. Karianne has designed, implemented, and reviewed screening level and baseline ecological risk assessments, soil and sediment remedial investigations, and natural resource injury assessments in the states of Florida, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. She has supported USEPA Region 3 Remedial Oversight and Response Action Contracts, including overseeing remediation projects, conducting sampling events, preparing technical documents and reports, providing data comparisons, and performing technical reviews of ecological and human health risk assessment, remedial investigation, and feasibility study documents. KariAnne has also participated in investigations of threatened and endangered sea turtle populations and nesting grounds on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. Karianne has been a contributing team member and instructor for ITRC’s Contaminated Sediments team since 2007. KariAnne earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree in environmental science from Drexel University located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1997 and 2004, respectively. Karianne is a certified Professional Ecologist through the Ecological Society of America.