Judie Kean Pat McLoughlin has worked for Microseeps in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania since 1996. He is currently Technical Director. His duties include managing an extensive Quality Control program, directing the R&D program, and specializing in monitored and enhanced natural attenuation and analytical methods development. He developed the Microseeps hydrogen sampling apparatus, the TSP preservation technique to prevent hydrolysis during fuel-oxygenate analysis, the high sensitivity volatile-fatty acids analysis and collaborated in the development of baited bio-traps. Additionally, he has authored many interpretive reports that use site-specific geo-chemical data and modeling to assess natural attenuation. His current emphasis is upon the development of a rigorous, defendable compound specific isotopic analyses and the interpretation of CSIA data for remediation. He has presented numerous papers of his research at national conferences in which he addresses how chemical analyses can be used to better guide remedial management decisions. Since 2003, Pat has been working with the EACO team of the ITRC where he has applied his expertise as a biogeochemistry expert and his experience working with a very wide range of environmental regulators, remediation engineers, contaminated sites and remediation techniques.

Pat earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Indiana in 1990. He earned a master's degree in 1992 and a doctoral degree in 1996 both in physical chemistry from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.