Mary DeFlaun joined Geosyntec Consultants as a Principal Microbiologist in the Princeton, New Jersey office in 2002. Her primary work has been the development and implementation of in situ technologies and she has particular expertise in the remediation of chlorinated organic compounds and metals. Mary serves as a technical consultant for innovative remedial technologies on a number of Superfund Sites in the Northeastern U.S. and across the country. Mary is also an adjunct professor at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa, a position she acquired in 2003 while doing research and teaching on the microbiology of the deep gold mines in SA. Prior to Geosyntec, she worked for 12 years at Envirogen, Inc. where as Vice President Technology Applications she directed a research group developing remedial technologies at the bench- and field-scale. Dr. DeFlaun has more than 50 technical publications in the field, she holds several patents related to the bioremediation of MtBE and she has managed a number of research projects for the DoD and DOE. Mary joined the ITRC BioDNAPL team in 2005. She earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Beloit College, Beloit Wisconsin in 1978, a master’s in oceanography from the University of Maine, Damariscotta Maine in 1981, a Ph.D. in oceanography from the University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, Florida in 1987, and a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at Tufts University Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts in 1990.