Rula A. Deeb, Ph.D. , is a Principal at Geosyntec Consultants in Oakland, CA. Her expertise includes groundwater and soil remediation with an emphasis on site closure strategies, in-situ technologies, and the environmental fate, transport and treatment of emerging contaminants. Rula has developed and implemented research programs in collaboration with scientists and engineers at universities, consulting firms and the federal government to address remedial issues at complex sites. Her research has been recognized with awards from the National Academy of Engineers, National Science Foundation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Water Environment Federation, and others. She is the 2008 recipient of the UC Berkeley Engineering Innovation Award in the category of Outstanding Young Leader. Rula is a member of the ITRC Remediation Risk Management Team as well as a member of the Environmental Molecular Diagnostics Team. She earned bachelor's degrees in Mathematics and Chemistry from Warren Wilson College in North Carolina in 1991, and master's and doctoral degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley in 1994 and 1999, respectively. She is heavily engaged in the National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering program which brings together emerging engineering leaders from industry, academia and government to discuss pioneering technical work and leading edge research in various engineering fields and industry sectors. Rula is a Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member of the American Association of Environmental Engineers and the recipient of the 2008 Berkeley Engineering Innovation Young Outstanding Leader Award.