Steve Rock is an Environmental Engineer in the Remediation and Contaminant Branch at EPA's National Risk Management Research Laboratory in Cincinnati, Ohio and has worked for the EPA since 1994. Steve manages field projects using phytoextraction, phytodegradation, plume control and vegetative. He is the author of several phytotechnology publications, including acting as team leader on the EPA's Introduction to Phytoremediation, and a chapter in the Standard Handbook of Environmental Engineering. He co-chairs the RTDF Action Team on Phytoremediation, and has three subgroups researching the phytoremediation issues of petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, and vegetative covers for waste containment. He participates in EPA in-house research, and provides technical assistance to EPA regional staff on questions of phytoremediation. Steve was a member of the ITRC Phyto team and an instructor in the ITRC training classes. He is a member of the ITRC Phyto Revision Team. Steve earned a bachelor's degree in Energy Systems from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, and a master's degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Cincinnati.