Sue Rogers has been working for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for 11 years. Sue has worked for the TCEQ's IHW Permits Section and Enforcement Division prior to working at the Remediation Division. Her current responsibility is to oversee remediation projects at various refineries, chemical plants, treatment and processing facilities to assure compliance with federal and state regulations. Sue participates in various projects including a TCEQ's NAPL work group, Groundwater Response Action Goals work group, and ITRC's DNAPLs work group.
Sue received her MS in Geoscience from the University of Louisiana in Monroe in May 1993 and is a Texas Registered Professional Geologist. Prior to joining TCEQ, Sue has worked as a chemist, an asbestos specialist and a geologist. Prior to moving to USA, Sue was working with the Thai Government as a petroleum geologist.