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Feedback form


CLU-IN Studio
spacer United States Environmental Protection Agency
Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council
Permeable Reactive Barrier: Technology Update
Training Feedback Form

We would like to receive any feedback you might have that would make this service more valuable.
Please take the time to fill out this form before leaving the site.


From your experience, how do you view the use of PRBs to remediate contaminated sites?

I consider PRBs a conventional technology
I consider PRBs a new or emerging technology

Please comment on why you have this point of view

Have you previously or are you currently using an ITRC PRB Guidance Document to assist with site decision making?


I have responsibilities for a project where: (select all that apply)

a PRB is being considered
a PRB was considered but another remedial alternative was selected
a PRB is being installed
a PRB is operating
a PRB was installed but is no longer operating because remedial objectives were met
a PRB was installed but is no longer operating because remedial objectives were NOT met

Please provide additional information about your project related to PRBs

What aspect of PRBs do you find challenging? (select all that apply)

evaluating site for PRB applicability
identifying appropriate reactive media
achieving regulator acceptance
installing PRBs
monitoring performance

Please list other aspect of PRBs that you find challenging

Of the items listed below, which do you find important for PRBs in the future? (select all that apply)

Treatment of multiple/emerging contaminants
Identification of additional treatment materials
Faster reaction rates without loss of efficiency
Innovative emplacement (e.g., deeper, targeted)
Greater longevity without loss of performance

Please list other items that you find important for PRBs in the future

How useful was the content that was presented today?

extremely useful
very useful
somewhat useful
not useful

Rate the effectiveness of the presenters overall?


Additional comments on presenters

List three important things you learned from this training

What is one thing you plan to do differently as a result of this training?

This type of training is valuable to our organization and I plan to tell colleagues about future ITRC training opportunities

somewhat agree
somewhat disagree

What suggestions do you have for improving this training?

How did you find out about this course?

EPA's TechDirect e-mail
ITRC e-mail
ITRC Web site (
CLU-IN Web site (

If you answered "other," how did you find out about this course?

To meet my needs for documented continuing education, ITRC's Internet-based training class would have to:

Include attendance verification
Have a test at the end of the training class
Formally provide CEUs accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education
ITRC classes already meet my needs for documented continuing education
Documented continuing education is not important to me

Would a classroom training course on this topic be valuable to your organization?

yes, longer than two-day course
yes, one- two-day course
yes, one-day or less course

Today's training introduced the ITRC document "Permeable Reactive Barrier: Technology Update". How likely are you to use this document?

I've already downloaded the document
I plan to download a copy of the document from the "Links" page immediately
I will make a note of the document location on for future use
If I find a need for the document, I will refer back to my notes later
It is unlikely I will refer to the document

Additional comments


Thank you for participating in an online technology seminar. We hope this was a valuable use of your time.
