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 Links to Additional Resources
I. ITRC-Specific Links View Download
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ITRC Technical and Regulatory Document Determining Cleanup Goals at Radioactively Contaminated Sites: Case Studies (RADS-2, April 2002)     view/download  
ITRC Radiation Reference Guide: Relevant Organizations and Regulatory Terms (RADS-1, December 1999)     view/download  
ITRC Regulatory Overview on Issues of Long-Term Stewardship: State Regulators' Perspectives (RAD-3, July 2004)     view/download  
ITRC Radionuclides Team Page     view/download  
II. EPA Superfund Resources View Download
Radionuclide Preliminary Remediation Goals (PRGs) for Superfund Electronic calculator [EPA, 2002] view/download  
Transmittal memo: Distribution of Radionuclide Preliminary Remediation Goals (PRGs) for Superfund Electronic Calculator [EPA, 2002]   view/download
Radionuclide Dose Cleanup Concentration (DCCs) for Superfund electronic calculator [EPA 2003] view/download  
Soil Screening Guidance for Radionuclides: Users Guide and Technical Background Document [EPA, 2000] view/download  
Soil Screening Guidance: User's Guide [EPA, 1996] view/download  
Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document [EPA, 1996] view/download  
Supplemental Guidance for developing SSLs for Superfund Sites [EPA, 2001]   view/download
Radiation Risk Assessment At CERCLA Sites: Q & A [EPA, 1999] view/download  
Transmittal memo entitled Distribution of OSWER Radiation Risk Assessment Q & A's Final Guidance [EPA, 1999] view/download  
Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS), Part A [EPA, 1989] view/download  
Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS), Part B [EPA, 1991] view/download  
EPA Tools for Human Health Risk Assessment view/download  
EPA Superfund Radiation Risk Assessment webpage view/download  
EPA Superfund Risk Assessment webpage view/download  
Establishment of Cleanup Levels for CERCLA Sites with Radioactive Contamination (OSWER No. 9200.4-18) [EPA, 1997]   view/download
A Guide to Selecting Superfund Remedial Actions [EPA, 1990]   view/download
Land Use in the CERCLA Remedy Selection Process [May 1995]   view/download
Role of Background in the CERCLA Cleanup Program   view/download
EPA Superfund Radiation webpage view/download  
EPA Superfund Remedy Decisions webpage view/download  
Common Radionuclides Found at Superfund Sites [EPA, 2002] view/download  
Videotape of Superfund Radiation Risk Assessment and How You Can Help, an Overview view/download  
III. EPA non-Superfund Resources View Download
Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (HEAST) Table [EPA, 2001] view/download  
Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) [EPA/DOE/DOD/NRC, 2000] view/download  
Simulating Radionuclide Fate and Transport in the Unsaturated Zone: Evaluation and Sensitivity Analyses of Select Computer Models [EPA, 2002]   view/download
Understanding Variation in Partition Coefficient, Kd, Values, Volume I, the Kd Model, Methods of Measurement, and Application of Chemical Reaction Codes [EPA, 1999] view/download  
Understanding Variation in Partition Coefficient, Kd, Values, Volume II, Review of Geochemistry and Available Kd Values for Cadmium, Cesium, Chromium, Lead, Plutonium, Radon, Strontium, Thorium, Tritium (3H), and Uranium [EPA,1999] view/download  
Federal Guidance Report #13 [EPA 1999]   view/download
IV. Other Resources View Download
DOE's web-page on Dose and Risk Assessment Resources view/download  
Radiation Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics view/download  
V. ITRC (Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council) Products and Information:
VI. Rebroadcast of Other Internet Seminars and Training Opportunities View Download
See the CLU-IN Studio for announcements of upcoming seminars and the archives of past seminars view/download  
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Page Last Modified: August 4, 2023