Eric Winkler, Ph.D. is Director of Technical Services in the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (CEERE) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He is primarily responsible for outreach and technical support services on energy and environmental systems to public and private sector clients. He is also Director of the Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Partnership leading state and region wide initiatives with industry, public utilities and state agencies on energy and resource conservation. Dr. Winkler is part of the implementation team for two other DOE funded programs at CEERE, the Industrial Assessment Center and the Northeast CHP Application Center.
Dr. Winkler also directs a university based research and development program for innovative energy and environmental technologies. He was technical lead for the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs/UMass Strategic Envirotechnology Partnership focusing on technology validation of environmental and energy technologies. Dr. Winkler has served on state and federal environmental advisory review panels, including the MA DEP Storm Water Advisory Panel and the EPA ETV Washington DOT Project Review Panel. Dr. Winkler has been Principal Investigator on a number of US EPA S319 projects, most recently leading a project to develop a clearing house of information on proprietary storm water technologies and a prioritization process for investment in technology demonstrations and testing. He has published numerous reports and journal articles on innovative wastewater and storm water technologies. Dr. Winkler received his Doctorate in Environmental Chemistry from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 1995 and holds Masters Degrees in Public Health and Soil Science.