Tom Brosnan is an Environmental Scientist, currently managing the Northeast Atlantic Branch of NOAA's Assessment and Restoration Division. In this capacity, he oversees a talented group of scientists working on a variety of sites to protect and restore coastal resources injured by oil spills and hazardous waste site releases. Before coming to NOAA in 1999, he worked for 2 years as a senior scientist with the ILSI Risk Science Institute, convening expert panels on watershed management, pesticides in drinking water, and catastrophic threats to drinking water supplies. From 1986-1996, he was the Chief of the Marine Sciences Section at the NYC Dept. of Environmental Protection. His publications cover a variety of topics including NRDA, watershed management, eutrophication, and the effects of pollution control programs on water quality. He has a B.S .in biology from Fordham University, NY and an M.S. in biology, with a focus on lake restoration techniques from Kent State University, OH.