Education: B.S. Chemistry, Holy Cross College; M.S. Water Pollution Engineering,
University of Colorado; and additional statistical training.
Mike has been with EPA for 39 years, and in the RCRA program since 1980. Over time,
he has participated in numerous aspects of the RCRA program. These include permit writing,
land treatment systems, land disposal restrictions, no-migration variances, hazardous waste
identification, analytical method issues, corrective action, risk assessment, delisting, and postclosure,
with special emphasis on the statistical aspects of groundwater monitoring. His recent
primary work focus has been on regulatory interpretations and data evaluation for the EPA
Region 8 RCRA program. He recently received a national honor award for service as the Work
Assignment Manager of the March 2009 Unified Guidance. His family includes his dear wife,
three children, two granddaughters, and a third on the way.