Agnes B. Kane, M.D., Ph.D. is Professor and Chair of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Brown University where she has pursued research on fiber toxicology and nanotoxicology with funding from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, US EPA, and NSF. She is board-certified in anatomic pathology and has studied murine models of asbestos-induced disease. She is the Director of the Training Program in Environmental Pathology at Brown University, now in its 16th year of funding from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. She also directs the Training Core for the Superfund Basic Research Program Grant at Brown and collaborates with Robert Hurt, Ph.D. on nanotechnology and nanotoxicology research.
Her research focuses on the potential health effects of environmental and occupational exposure to asbestos fibers, mixed dusts, and nanomaterials. Her laboratory has developed a murine model of asbestos-induced malignant mesothelioma that reproduces the morphologic and molecular characteristics of the human disease. This murine model will be used to develop new strategies for prevention and treatment of asbestos-related cancer.
She has served as scientific advisor and invited participant in workshops related to hazard identification for NIOSH, US EPA, IARC, ILO, NAS, and NTP. She was a recent participant in an ICON workshop: Towards Predicting Nano-Bio Interaction on June 2 - 7, 2007.