Larry Weinstock has been the Program Innovation Coordinator in EPA's
Office of Air and Radiation since 1999. In this role, he helps to
develop environmentally responsible program innovations working with the
program offices of OAR, the Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation,
and other Agency staff. He is currently co-leading an Agency-wide
effort developing EPA’s new multimedia community toxics program:
Community Action for a Renewed Environment or CARE. He has worked on a
wide range of innovation issues including Partnership and Voluntary
Programs, New Source
Review, Permits, Environmental Management Systems, Smart Growth, and
Performance Track. Prior to becoming the Program Innovation
Coordinator, he worked in a variety of staff and management roles in the
Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA), including being the Acting
Office Director for 19 months. During his time in ORIA, he worked on a
number of issues including the certification of the Waste Isolation
Pilot Plant, radioactive waste disposal, the cleanup of radioactive
sites, limiting air emissions of radionuclides, and radiological
emergency response. Larry holds a Bachelor of Science degree in
psychology from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and a Juris Doctor
degree with honors from George Washington University.