Sally BrownSally Brown is a Research Associate Professor in the College of the Environment at the University of Washington. She has a MS and PhD in soil science from the University of Maryland. Sally's work has centered around use of different residuals as soil amendments. She has won the US EPA Clean Water Research Award twice. The first award was for demonstrating that biosolids in combination with liming materials can be used to restore metal contaminated site. This work was done in cooperation with US EPA Superfund at sites including Leadville, CO, Bunker Hill, ID, Joplin, MO and Jasper County, MO. The second time was for showing that biosolids can be used as a fertilizer for canola for biofuel production. She developed a green house gas accounting tool for biosolids management for the Canadian Government and has worked with both the Chicago Climate Exchange and the Climate Action Reserve to develop carbon accounting protocols for composting municipal solid waste. She was a two term member of the National Academy of Science Standing Committee on Soils and is a Fellow in the Soil Science Society of America.