Bill Denman is Chief of the Superfund Restoration & Sustainability Section in EPA Region 4's Superfund Division. He manages the section and serves as the division's contact for all issues related to sustainability including Superfund redevelopment, green remediation, and energy and climate change. As the Region 4 Superfund redevelopment coordinator, Bill has helped facilitate the sale and redevelopment of many Superfund sites throughout the Southeast and has had a major influence in the development of national EPA policy related to Superfund redevelopment. For 17 years he was a Remedial Project Manager (RPM) in the Superfund program managing the investigation and cleanup of Superfund sites primarily in Florida. Bill has also worked in EPA's Air Program and as a civilian engineer for the U.S. Navy. He earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Mississippi State University in 1989 and is a registered professional engineer in the State of Georgia.