Dr. Dortch received his BS (1971) and MS (1972) degrees in Aerospace Engineering from Mississippi State University and his PhD (1990) in Civil Engineering (Water Resources) from Colorado State University. He retired in January 2007 from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Vicksburg, MS, after 35 years of service. He worked in the Hydraulics Laboratory for his first 11 years at ERDC (then known as the Waterways Experiment Station, or WES) where he conducted physical model studies of hydraulic structures and environmental fluid mechanics and mathematical modeling of reservoir temperature regimes. He then worked in the Environmental Laboratory of WES/ERDC for the remaining 24 years where he was Chief of the Water Quality and Contaminant Modeling Branch between 1983 and 2002. One of his last projects as a Federal employee at ERDC was leading the development of the Adaptive Risk Assessment Modeling System (ARAMS™) for the Army. It was during this time that he became the Corps of Engineers contact memeber of the original Interagency Steering Committee for Multimedia Environmental Modeling (ISCMEM). Following his retirement in 2007, Dr. Dortch joined Moffatt & Nichol where he continues to work on a part time basis. He also worked as an independent consultant through contractual means for ERDC on development of the Training Range Environmental Evaluation and Characterization System (TREECS). Dr. Dortch's expertise is in the area of hydro-environmental mathematical modeling with emphasis on water quality and contaminant fate/transport. He has over 180 technical publications, has a Professional Engineering license in Mississippi, and is a Diplomate of American Academy of Water Resources Engineers (D.WRE) established by the American Society of Civil Engineers, of which he is a Fellow Member. He is a recipient of the Army Engineer Regiment Bronze de Fleury Medal for distinguished service and has been inducted into the WES Gallery of Distinguished Employees.