Dr. Rebecca Fry is an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering at the Gillings School of Global Public Health at UNC-Chapel Hill. She also holds appointments in the Curriculum in Toxicology and the Lineberger Cancer Center. Dr. Fry is the Director of UNC's Superfund Research Program funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). Dr. Fry also serves as the Director of Graduate Studies in the Curriculum of Toxicology at UNC. Dr. Fry received her Ph.D. in Biology with post-doctoral training at MIT in Toxicogenomics and Environmental Health. Broadly her research focuses on elucidating biological mechanisms that relate prenatal toxicant exposure to detrimental health outcomes in children. Building off her expertise in the areas of DNA repair, toxicogenomics and systems biology, her research at UNC has identified epigenetic mechanisms that may underlie children's health. A primary goal of Dr. Fry's research is to increase awareness of the deleterious impacts of exposures during the prenatal period and to improve public health initiatives to address this critical issue. She has served on the committee for the National Academies of Science (NAS) National Research Council for the IRIS review of inorganic arsenic, as a reviewer for the cancer and non-cancer risk assessment of arsenic in food by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and on the funding selection committee of the International Agency on Cancer Research (IARC).