Gayle KillamGayle Killam is the Director of River Network's Clean Water Act Program.

Gayle has been training and supporting citizens across the country on better implementation and enforcement of the Clean Water Act since 1998. In the last few years, this work has emphasized better implementation of water quality standards (including the antidegradation policy) and review and enforcement of NPDES permits, particularly stormwater permits.

She recently authored the second edition of River Network's "The Clean Water Act Owner's Manual." Gayle also co-authored "Permitting an End to Pollution, how to scrutinize and strengthen water pollution permits in your state" (with Clean Water Network and Prairie Rivers Network) and "Tracking TMDLs, a field guide for evaluating proposed watershed restoration plans" (with National Wildlife Federation). Gayle has also put together an online Clean Water Act course at

Gayle received her Masters' degree from Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences and her Bachelors' degree in economics from Yale University.