Dr. Marc S. Greenberg is the Deputy Branch Chief of the U.S. EPA's Environmental Response Team. His office supports various clean-up, emergency, and other response actions within the U.S. EPA Superfund program. Marc's technical area of focus has been the assessment, remediation, and management of contaminated sediment sites. His research experience includes both human health and aquatic ecological toxicology. Marc has provided technical and policy advice in the fields of contaminated sediments and soils, toxicology, ecological risk assessment, and oil spill response. He has mentored and coached numerous technical specialists inside and outside the Agency. Dr. Greenberg has served as a member of the EPA Contaminated Sediments Technical Advisory Group (CSTAG), Risk Assessment Forum Ecological Oversight Committee, Superfund Sediments Team, and EPA Headquarters Chair of the Agency's Ecological Risk Assessment Forum (ERAF). He has participated in the standardizing of sediment toxicity testing methods for the U.S. EPA, has co-authored many EPA technical and guidance documents, and has contributed to the authorship of numerous peer-reviewed papers and book chapters. He is an active member of the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) and he served on its North America Board of Directors (2007-2010) and Editorial Board for the SETAC journals (2010-2012). He obtained a B.A. in Zoology (1990) and a M.S. in Aquatic Toxicology (1993) from Miami University, and a Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from Wright State University (2002).