Karl Gustavson is an environmental toxicologist at the Army Engineer Research and Development Center. Since 2008, he has been stationed at US EPA Superfund headquarters advising on national and site-specific issues regarding contaminated sediment characterization, effects assessment, monitoring, and remediation. He is a member of EPA's Contaminated Sediment Technical Advisory Group which provides technical review of decisions at complex and controversial contaminated sediment sites. Dr. Gustavson supports EPA at several Superfund sites and Great Lakes Areas of Concern that are impacted by contaminated sediment. He directs several research projects including on the development of procedures for documenting remedial effectiveness and novel methods to monitor contaminant bioaccumulation in fish. Previously, he was a Senior Program Officer for the National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academy of Sciences where he served as the Study Director on reports reviewing Superfund site decision making, assessing the effectiveness of sediment remediation, and evaluating methods to improve chemical risk assessments. His Ph.D. is in Environmental Toxicology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.