Anna K. Harding, PhD is a Professor and Graduate Coordinator in the Department of Public Health at Oregon State University. Her expertise is in the area of environmental health and includes water quality, public health effects associated with chemical contamination, community/stakeholder involvement, and tribal environmental health. She serves as the PI of the Community Engagement Core for OSU's Superfund Research Center. The Core is investigating PAH exposures associated with traditional cultural practices with the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. She is also the Co-investigator on an NIEHS grant to use passive samplers in the Gulf of Mexico before, during and post impact from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill of spring 2010. She oversees the outreach component for this project. She worked for 12 years previously with the Technical Outreach Services for Communities Program, the outreach program with the EPA-funded Western Region Hazardous Substances Research Center, which provided technical assistance to minority and low-income communities affected by a wide range of hazardous substances.