Tammy Jones-LeppI received my BS in Chemistry in 1982, and my MS in Environmental Analytical Chemistry in 1992, both degrees from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. My career with EPA began in 1978 as a student laboratory technician, and I have been with EPA for almost 25 years. Currently, I am employed as a Research Chemist with the Office of Research and Development in Las Vegas, Nevada.

My expertise is in using mass spectrometry (MS, MS/MS, ion trap) and various liquid chromatographic interfaces (thermospray, electrospray) coupled to micro-separation techniques (CE, ยต-LC). Application of my research has been focused on the detection of organotins and pharmaceuticals in environmental matrices. The impact of generated research products has been to reduce sample analysis time and cost; reduce laboratory-generated pollution, as well as regulatory, a new Solid Waste method (Method 8323 - Organotins), and input into new drinking water regulations (Monday, March 2, 1998 Part III Environmental Protection Agency, Announcement of the Drinking water Contaminant Candidate Listing Notice, vol. 63, no. 40, pg 10282). Over 20 peer-reviewed publications/book chapters. Active within Las Vegas public school system (classroom science demonstrations, science fairs, career development).