Kevin Long is director of the Facilities and Infrastructure Modernization
organization of Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC, which is responsible
for the modernization of the Pantex Plant in Amarillo, Texas, and the Y-12
National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Long is responsible
for providing management, strategic direction, oversight, budget
formulation and execution, and customer interface for the recapitalization
and modernization of the facilities.
Prior to this position, Long was department manager for Line Items and
Capabilities-Based Investments Program and the program manager of the
Facilities and Infrastructure Recapitalization Program. He has 32 years
of experience in facility sustainment, recapitalization and modernization
at the Pantex Plant. He has performed several detail assignments with
the National Nuclear Security Administration in support of facilities and
infrastructure initiatives.
Long has a B.S. in environmental design from the School of Architecture at
the University of Oklahoma.