Anita Meyer is a risk assessor at the US Army Corps of Engineers Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise. She serves as a consultant in systematic planning, toxicology and risk assessment to Corps of Engineers Districts, Divisions and Headquarters, as well as the Department of Army and Department of Defense. She received her Bachelor and Masters of Science from the University of Nebraska and is certified by the American Board of Toxicology.
During her tenure at the Corps of Engineers, Ms. Meyer has had the opportunity to work on many Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS), Formerly Used Site Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), Superfund, and active Army and Air Force environmental investigation and remediation projects. She has written and assisted in finalizing guidance and policy documents relative to environmental investigations/cleanup and on conducting human health and ecological risk assessment for the Corps of Engineers, the Army and the Department of Defense Tri-Services. For the Department of Defense Chemical and Material Risk Management Program she serves as the point of contact for DoD reviews of EPA Integrated Risk information System (IRIS) toxicological reviews and coordinates Service participation in them.