Patricia Murphy has worked for over 20 years as an Environmental Epidemiologist in EPA'S Office of Research and Development. She currently serves as NCEA's Health coordinator for ORD's Report on the Environment Team, focusing on the development, reporting and interpretation of environmental health indicators to support evidence-based decision-making.
Prior to joining the ROE team fulltime in 2004, Dr. Murphy's research included identifying and reducing sources of exposure misclassification in drinking water epidemiology studies, comparative health risks from exposure to disinfectant by-products and microbes through municipal drinking water systems, applying infection transmission models to quantitative microbial risk analysis problems and the appropriate application of epidemiologic data and information to environmental health risk-benefit problems. She has served as a technical health advisor to Health Canada and the World Health Organization.
Dr. Murphy received her Ph.D. and M.P.H. degrees in epidemiology from the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health and a B.A. degree in Modern Languages from Widener University. She has received several Agency awards for the novel application of public health principles to environmental health risk assessment and management problems.