A. Lynn Wood is a Soil Scientist in GWERD's Subsurface Remediation Branch. Dr. Wood has B.S. and M.S. degrees in Agronomy from Oklahoma State University and a Ph.D. in Environmental Science from the University of Oklahoma. He has worked for EPA's Office of Research and Development since 1975.
Dr. Wood has conducted extensive research into the transport of organic contaminants in both aqueous solutions and complex mixtures. He led a multi-disciplinary work group consisting of scientists from EPA and academia which developed conceptual and mathematical models to describe the influence of organic solvents on the sorption and mobility of nonpolar organic chemicals in porous media. Numerous publications were produced from this work including EPA reports, journal articles, and dissertations.
Dr Wood's recent research involves the development and evaluation of innovative technologies for characterization and remediation of soils and aquifers contaminated with nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs). He has field tested a variety of innovative techniques for extracting NAPLs from the subsurface including methods which enhance solubilization, mobilization, or volatilization of the contaminants. A current project at the Dover National Environmental Test Site, Dover AFB, is comparing the performance of air sparging and several in-situ chemical flushing techniques for remediation of DNAPL contaminated sites.