Theme: Mining Influenced Waters - Pathways for Off-Site Releases
Lecture 1 – Surface and Subsurface Hydrology at Hardrock Mine Sites
Presenter: Connie Travers (Stratus Consulting) View Session Archive Download Slides: 9.6MB/Color PDF | 6.9MB/B&W PDF 
Specific topics covered during this lecture include:
- Hydrological characterization at mine sites
- Basic hydrological properties
- Recharge/flowpath/discharge.
- Baseline/pre-mining water balance
- Recharge/flowpath/discharge
- Impacts of mine facilities and operations on hydrological processes and pathways – leading into Lecture 2
- Waste rock, heap leach pads, tailings impoundments, open pits, underground workings
- Dewatering and water management (process system)
- Changes in recharge/flowpath/discharge
Lecture 2 – Pathways of Contaminant Transport from Mining Areas
Presenter: Mike Wireman (U.S. EPA Region 8)View Session ArchiveDownload Slides: 33.6MB/Color PDF  | 12.5MB/B&W PDF 
The presentation will discuss pathways and processes that result in contaminant releases from active and historic mine sites.
Specific topics covered during this lecture include:
- Fate and transport of contaminants from mine related facilities
- Conceptual hydrogeologic model
- Geologic controls
- Geochemical controls
- Environmental characterization of contaminant transport pathways
- Geology / ore body
- Water levels / flow
- Mass loading
- Hydrologic tracing
- Isotopic data
- Geochemical modeling
Lecture 3 – Mining on National Forest System Land
Presenter: Robert Thompson (U.S. Forest Service)View Session ArchiveDownload Slides: 161KB/PPT  | 1.3MB/Color PDF  | 1.3MB/B&W PDF 
The presentation will discuss the legal authority, approval process, and agency involvement in mining projects on National Forest System (NFS) lands. Mitigation, monitoring, adaptive management, and reclamation of mining sites on NFS lands will also be discussed.