January 22
Introduction to mixing zones Presenter: Ben Cope (EPA Region 10) View Session Archive Download Slides: 1.4MB/PPT | 1.4MB/Color PDF | 3.7MB/B&W PDF - 9:00-9:45AM PST /12:00-12:45PM EST
This session will provide an introduction to mixing zones and dilution factors. An overview of mixing zone terminology and regulatory definitions will be given. The presenter will discuss the range of mixing zone situations and different outfall structures encountered in the field.
- 10:00AM-1:30PM PST /1:00-4:30PM EST
This session will cover physical mixing processes and will provide examples of how effluent mixes in various situations. Examples will include river, marine, and estuary discharges, as well as surface outfalls, submerged outfalls, and multiport outfalls.
- 9:00AM-12:30PM PST /12:00-3:30PM EST
This session will provide the basics of how to set up a CORMIX model. CORMIX is an EPA-supported mixing zone model and decision support system for environmental impact assessment of regulatory mixing zones resulting from continuous point source discharges. Case studies demonstrating how to use CORMIX will be provided.
- 9:00AM-12:00PM PST /12:00-3:00PM EST
This session will provide the basics of how to set up a Visual Plumes model. The Visual Plumes model system is a Windows-based software application for simulating surface water jets and plumes. It also assists in the preparation of mixing zone analyses, Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), and other water quality applications. Case studies demonstrating how to use the Visual Plumes model will be provided.
- 12:30-1:30PM PST /3:30-4:30PM EST
This session will consist of a panel of EPA and state mixing zone experts who will discuss how to be a savvy consumer of mixing zone studies and walk the participants through what they look for when reviewing or commissioning a mixing zone study.