Webinar Registration Privacy Statement
This website collects personally identifiable information only if specifically and knowingly provided by you as part of a voluntary submission.
Any information collected by this registration form is used only for the expressed purpose of registering you for an individual webinar. When registering for this webinar, we provide the information entered to the webinar organizers so they can manage the event. These organizers may include companies under contract to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and third parties outside the U.S. EPA. No personal information collected is sold or otherwise transferred to parties other than webinar organizers. This information is maintained on CLU-IN to provide current, comprehensive participation records for webinar participants.
If you do not want the webinar organizers to have access to the information collected by this registration form, please do not proceed with your registration. Please review our Disclaimer, Privacy, and Security Notice for more information and Contact Us for alternate registration options.
The Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information (CLU-IN) website is provided as a public service by the Technology Innovation and Field Services Division of the U.S. EPA. It is operated under contract by Environmental Management Support, Inc.