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CLU-IN Studio
spacer United States Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Security Technology Certification Program and U.S. EPA, Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation
Application of Transport Optimization Codes to Groundwater Pump-and-Treat Systems
Seminar Feedback Form

We would like to receive any feedback you might have that would make this service more valuable.
Please take the time to fill out this form before leaving the site.

First Name:
Last Name:
Daytime Phone Number:
Email Address:
Date of Seminar:
September 24, 2003
Delivery Media
I participated as a streaming audio simulcast participant Yes
Instructor Comments Disagree Neutral Agree
I had trouble hearing the instructor
The instructors are knowledgeable of the subject matter
I could easily follow the instructor's presentation and slides
Ample time was allowed for Q&A
Presentation Content Disagree Neutral Agree
I learned a great deal from this presentation
The content was too simplified
The presentation was too long
Will you recommend this seminar to other environmental professionals?
What additional subject matter or changes should be made to this seminar?
Did this seminar meet your needs?
Are you likely to participate in the future?
Why or why not?
Additional comments or technical difficulties encountered:

Thank you for participating in an online technology seminar. We hope this was a valuable use of your time.
