TIO sponsors new monitoring and measurement project initiatives in 2001
Posted: January 1, 2001

These projects include: Isomer Specific Immunoassay for PCBs; Immunoassay for Lead; Field Method for Detecting Perchlorate; Feasibility of Using Diffusion Samplers for Sediments; Continued Sponsorship of WPI's Sensor Website; Development of On-line Training Manual for FIELDS Software.

Congener Specific Immunoassay for PCBs
TIO is supporting EPA's Office of Solid Waste for the development of an SW-846 immunoassay method that will be able to identify dioxin-like PCB congeners. This is an important development, because these are the more toxic PCB congeners. The method is undergoing validation testing.

Immunoassay for Lead
This 21M2 project will support a field validation study of an immunoassay method for lead. The method is simple to use and will work for both soil and water samples. Lead is the second metal to have an immunoassay method developed for it. The other immunoassay test is for mercury.

Field Method for Detecting Perchlorate
TIO is providing support to EPA Region 9 to test solid state ion-specific probes for detecting perchlorate in water. The tests are being performed at Edwards Air Force Base and will take place during the base's normal ground-water sampling activities. In addition to evaluating the performance of the probes, the project will compare these probes with a method the base currently uses to analyze for perchlorates.

Feasibility of Using Diffusion Samplers for Sediments
Obtaining representative volatile organic samples at a sediment/water interface has always been difficult. This newly funded project will evaluate the effectiveness of diffusion samplers in obtaining these samples in sediments. TIO is helping to support EPA Region 1 and the USGS to produce a summary report of applications of the technology in Region 1 to serve as a guide for project managers in the Region. A field test is proposed for the Nyanza Superfund site.

Continued Sponsorship of WPI's Sensor Website
WPI's Sentrix project, initiated in 1999 and funded through a cooperative agreement with EPA/TIO, will continue to provide a publicly accessible, efficient, and cost-effective means of acquiring and disseminating state-of-the-art information on the status of advanced sensor technology development programs and projects relevant to monitoring hazardous waste sites. The WPI's Sensor Technology Information Exchange Internet site (www.sentix.org) will continue to help improve public communication in this highly specialized area via a searchable database.

Development of On-Line Training Manual for FIELDS software
The FIELDS system is built upon a sophisticated geographic information system and relational database structure to provide effective decision support at Superfund and Water Division priority locations. In 1999, the 21M2 Iniative supported the integration into FIELDS of the Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA) interactive environment decision support software developed by the Center for Information Studies of the University of Tennessee. SADA's basic premise is to streamline and integrate a wide variety of tools in a fashion that not only permits scientific risk assessment (human health and ecological) but also directly supports decision-making processes. In 2000, TIO has pledged support to develop an on-line training manual for individuals who wish to become proficient in using the newly integrated FIELDS system.

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