This quarter we are featuring a state of the art
literature search for perchlorate analysis to meet rising interest in the low
level analysis of perchlorates in ground and drinking water. TIO is also
sponsoring a demonstration project with Region 9 at
Edwards Air Force Base of perchlorate analysis in ground water using solid
state electrodes.
Analysis of Perchlorate in Groundwater by Electrospray
Ionization Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry
Koester, C.J.; H.R. Beller*;
R.U. Halden
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA
Environmental Science & Technology, Vol 34 No 9, p 1862-1864,
An electrospray ionization mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry
(ESI/MS/MS) method was developed to measure part-per-billion (µg/L)
concentrations of perchlorate in ground water. Selective and sensitive
perchlorate detection was achieved by operating the mass spectrometer in the
negative ionization mode and by using MS/MS to monitor the ClO4- to ClO3-
transition. The method of standard additions was used to address the
considerable signal suppression caused by anions that are typically present in
ground water, such as bicarbonate and sulfate. ESI/MS/MS analysis was rapid,
accurate, reproducible, and provided a detection limit of 0.5 µg/L
perchlorate in ground water. Accuracy and precision of the ESI/MS/MS method
were assessed by analyzing performance evaluation samples in a ground water
matrix (4.5-75 µg/L perchlorate) and by comparing ion chromatography (IC)
and ESI/MS/MS results for local ground water samples (<0.5-35 µg/L
perchlorate). Results for the performance evaluation samples differed from the
certified values by 4-13%, and precision ranged from 3 to 10% (relative
standard deviation). The IC and ESI/MS/MS results were statistically
indistinguishable (P > 0.05) for perchlorate concentrations above the
detection limits of both methods.
The Analysis of Perchlorate in Well Water by Suppressor Based
Ion Chromatography
Kildew, Brian R. (Alltech Associates, Deerfield, IL);
Raaidah Sarri-Nordhaus
Pittcon 2000: Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical
Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy [50th], 12-17 March 2000, New Orleans,
The analysis of perchlorate in well water is simple and accurate
by suppressor-based ion chromatography. The methacrylate-based anion exchanger
column with either carbonate/bicarbonate or carbonate/bicarbonate in
p-cyanophenol provides good peak shape with a short retention time for
perchlorate. The detection limit for perchlorate can be reduced to the low
parts-per-billion range using the methacrylate-based anion exchanger column
with these mobile phases.
Anion-Selective CHEMFETs
Wroblewski, Wojciech (Warsaw
Univ. of Technology); M. Dawgul (Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical
Engineering); W. Torbicz; Z. Brzozka (Warsaw Univ. of Technology)
Optoelectronic and Electronic Sensors II
The International Society for
Optical Engineering (SPIE), Bellingham, WA. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 3054, p
197-203, 1997
This paper presents the first nitrite- and perchlorate-selective
chemically modified field effect transistors (CHEMFETs) based on a plasticized
PVC membrane containing anion-sensitive receptors. The designed sensors exhibit
good selectivities for primary ions over other inorganic anions. These
microdevices can be applied in the determination and monitoring of nitrite and
perchlorate anions, even in the presence of some interfering ions.
Application Note: Analysis of Low Concentrations of
Perchlorate in Drinking Water and Ground Water by Ion Chromatography
Corp., Sunnyvale, CA
Application Note 121, 4 pp, Jul 2000
According to a Dionex application note, perchlorate was
determined in drinking water down to ~2.5µg/l levels by ion
chromatography. Sample (1000 µl) was analyzed on an IonPac AS11
analytical column (25 cm x 4 mm i.d.) equipped with an IonPac AG11 guard column
(5 cm x 4 mm i.d.) with 100mM-NaOH as eluent (1 ml/min) over 12 minutes and
suppressed conductivity detection. The calibration graph was linear up to
100µg/l with a detection limit of 2.5µg/l. The note contains
Application of Capillary Electrophoresis for the
Determination of Inorganic Ions in Trace Explosives and Explosive Residues
Kishi, T.; J. Nakamura; H. Arai, Natl. Res. Inst. Police Sci., Tokyo, Japan
Electrophoresis, Vol 19 No 1, p 3-5, Jan 1998
Trace perchlorate explosives on a pair of cotton gloves were
extracted with H2O and analyzed by capillary electrophoresis in a fused-silica
capillary, with detection of chloride, nitrate and perchlorate. Residue from a
homemade chlorate explosive (potassium chlorate plus fuel) was dissolved in H2O
and analyzed in a similar manner, as was an aqueous extract of a residue from
an emulsion explosive.
Automatic Liquid-Liquid Extraction Flow Injection Analysis
Determination of Trace Amounts of Perchlorate With Spectrophotometric Detection
Ensafi, Ali A.; B. Rezaei, College of Chemistry, Isfahan University of
Technology, Isfahan, Iran
Analytical Letters, Vol 31 No 1, p 167-177,
The authors propose an extractive flow injection analysis for
rapid, sensitive, and selective determination of perchlorate by
spectrophotometric detection. The method is based on the extraction of
perchlorate with Brilliant Cresyl Blue on methyl isobutyl ketone at pH 6.0.
Perchlorate can be determined in the range of 0.008-1.00 µg/ml with a
limit of detection of 0.003 µg/ml and rate of 30 ± 5 samples/hour.
The effects of reagent concentration, pH, manifold variables, and diverse ions
are completely studied. The method was tested for the determination of
perchlorate in salt samples.
Catalytic Determination of Perchlorate Using a Modified
Carbon Paste Electrode
Neuhold, C.G.; K. Kalcher; X. Cai; G. Raber
Analytical Letters, Vol 29, p 1685-1704, 1996
A carbon paste electrode chemically modified with the liquid
anion exchanger Amberlite LA2 was used for the voltammetric determination of
nitrate and perchlorate in aqueous solutions, based on the catalytic effect of
both species on the voltammetric current responses of thallium. Thallium (III)
can be accumulated as TlCl4 externally under open circuit conditions from an
acidic solution onto the surface of the modified carbon paste electrode, giving
a reduction signal at -0.88 V vs. SCE, and reoxidation signal at -0.7 V vs. SCE
in cyclic voltammetry. Both signals are enhanced catalytically upon addition of
nitrate or perchlorate to the preconcentration solution. The peak increase of
the re-oxidation signal was exploited for quantitative purposes with
differential pulse voltammetry. A procedure for the quantitative determination
of both analytes is described. The influence of various parameters affecting
the results, such as pH value of the measurement and analyte solution is
discussed. The dependence of the peak increase on accumulation time and
concentration of nitrate or perchlorate is shown. The detection limits were
found to be 0.5 mg/L for nitrate and 0.05 mg/L for perchlorate respectively.
The applicability of the method for the determination of the analyte species in
various samples was studied.
35Cl and 37Cl Magic-Angle Spinning NMR
Spectroscopy in the Characterization of Inorganic Perchlorates
Jrgen; Hans J. Jakobsen, Instrument Centre for Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy,
Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark
Inorganic Chemistry,
Vol 38 No 8, p 1806-1813, 1999
35Cl quadrupole coupling constants (CQ), asymmetry
parameters (Q), and isotropic chemical shifts (iso) have been determined for a
series of inorganic perchlorates from 35Cl magic-angle spinning
(MAS) NMR spectra at 14.1 T. Illustrative 37Cl MAS NMR spectra are
obtained and analyzed for some of the samples. For perchlorate anions with
quadrupolar couplings less than about 1 MHz, the
35Cl/37Cl NMR parameters are most precisely determined
from the full manifold of spinning sidebands observed for the satellite
transitions while line-shape analysis of the central transition is employed for
the somewhat larger quadrupolar couplings. The environments for the individual
perchlorate anions are best characterized by the quadrupole coupling parameters
(e.g., CQ ranges from 0.3 to 3.0 MHz), while the dispersion in the isotropic
35Cl chemical shifts is small (1029 ppm < iso < 1049 ppm) for
the perchlorates studied. Due to the variation in quadrupole coupling
parameters, 35Cl MAS NMR may conveniently be employed for
identification of anhydrous and hydrated phases of perchlorates, in studies of
phase transitions, hydration reactions, and the composition of mixed phases.
The perchlorates studied include the anhydrous and the anhydrous and/or
hydrated forms.
Construction and Evaluation of Ion Selective Electrodes for
Perchlorate with a Summing Operational Amplifier: Application to Pyrotechnics
Mixtures Analysis
Pérez-Olmos, Ricardo; Ainoa Rios; María P.
Martín; Rui A.S. Lapa; José L.F.C. Lima
The Analyst, Vol 124
No 1, p 97-100, Jan 1999
An ion selective-electrode (ISE) for perchlorate was fabricated
by applying four separate but identical membranes on to a conductive
graphite/epoxy support. The membranes were prepared from PVC, o-nitrophenyl
octyl ether, dibutyl phthalate, and tetra-octylammonium chloride. When the use
of the ISE for the direct potentiometric determination of perchlorate was
evaluated, the lower linear response limit was 5.1 µM perchlorate and the
detection limit was 1.2 µM, with a response time of 13-15 seconds. The
sensor was applied to propellants and pyrotechnic mixtures and had a life of
more than 10 months.
Determination of Nanomolar Levels of Perchlorate in Water by
Handy, Russell; David A. Barnett; Randy W. Purves; Gary
Horlick; Roger Guevremont
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, Vol 15
No 8, p 907-911, Aug 2000
Electrospray ionization (ESI) was used to generate gas-phase
anions that were subsequently separated by high-field asymmetric waveform ion
mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) and detected by quadrupole mass spectrometry
(MS). ESI-FAIMS-MS provided selective and sensitive determination of
perchlorate at low nanomolar levels, relatively free from the interferences
commonly observed for this analysis using conventional ESI-MS. For instance,
the gas-phase separation of ions in FAIMS eliminated isobaric overlaps of
bisulfate and dihydrogen phosphate with perchlorate. Using the FAIMS interface,
analysis yielded a signal-to-background ratio (S/B) improvement of over four
orders of magnitude compared with ESI-MS. The detection limit for perchlorate
was 1 nM (~ 0.1 ppb).
Determination of Perchlorate at Parts-Per-Billion Levels in
Plants by Ion Chromatography
Ellington, J.J.; J.J. Evans
Journal of
Chromatography--A, Vol 898 No 2, p 193-199, 17 Nov 2000
Abstract not available.
Determination of Perchlorate at Trace Levels in Drinking
Water by Ion-Pair Extraction with Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Magnuson, Matthew L. (U.S. EPA, Cincinnati, OH); Edward T. Urbansky;
Catherine A. Kelty
Analytical Chemistry, Vol 72 No 1, p 25-29, 2000
This paper describes the analysis of perchlorate in water by
liquid-liquid extraction followed by flow injection electrospray mass
spectrometry (ESI/MS). Alkyltrimethylammonium salts and other cationic
surfactants were used to ion-pair aqueous perchlorate, forming extractable ion
pairs. The cationic surfactant associates with the perchlorate ion to form a
complex detectable by ESI/MS. The selectivity of the extraction and the mass
spectrometric detection increases confidence in the identification of
perchlorate. The method detection limit for perchlorate determined after seven
replicate injections was 100 ng L-1 (parts per trillion).
Perchlorate has been added to the U.S. EPA's Drinking Water Contaminant
Candidate List.
Determination of Trace Level Perchlorate in Drinking Water
and Ground Water by Ion Chromatography
Jackson, P. E.; M. Laikhtman; J.S.
Rohrer, Dionex Corp., Sunnyvale, CA
Presented at the International Ion
Chromatography Symposium, held in Osaka, Japan, 28 Sep-1 Oct 1998
of Chromatography--A, Vol 850, No 1/2, p 131-135, 30 Jul 1999
Samples were analyzed on an IonPac AG11 guard column and an
IonPac AS11 analytical column with a mobile phase of 0.1M-NaOH and suppressed
conductivity detection, with use of an ASRS-ULTRA suppressor at 0.3 A.
Calibration graphs were linear for 2.5-100 µg/ml of perchlorate, with a
detection limit of 0.3 µg/l. When seven replicates of a 2.5 µg/l
standard were injected, the retention time RSD was 0.5% and the peak area RSD
was 2.4%. There was no interference from 22 common anions. Tests were also
carried out on a new column, the IonPac AS16, with its IonPac AG16 guard
column. The AS16 was specifically developed for polarizable anions, such as
perchlorate, iodide, thiosulfate and thiocyanate. The new column is more
hydrophilic than the AS11, has higher capacity (allowing the analysis of
samples with higher salt contents) and higher peak efficiency. An example of
analysis of 5 µg/l of perchlorate in ground water is illustrated.
Electrochemiluminescent Determination of Perchlorate by
Solvent Extraction in the Presence of Ru(bpy)32+
Xu, G.; S. Dong, Lab.
Electroanal. Chem., Changchun Inst. Applied Chem., Chinese Acad. Sci.,
Changchun, China
Electrochemistry Communications, Vol 1 No 10, p 463-466,
Oct 1999
For the highly sensitive determination of perchlorate, the
authors propose a method based on solvent extraction in the presence of
Ru(bpy)32+ and followed by Ru(bpy)32+ electro-chemiluminescent determination.
The detection limit was 50nM perchlorate and the RSD (n = 10) was 1.6%.
Interference studies suggest that this method is selective for the
determination of perchlorate.
An Improved Ion Chromatographic Method for Low Level
Perchlorate Analysis
Jackson, Peter E., Dionex Corp., Sunnyvale, CA
[PowerPoint presentation] 33 pp, 2000
The author used these presentation pages to discuss the
optimized Dionex perchlorate method. He states in his conclusion that the
method is an optimized, interference free method for analysis of low µg/L
perchlorate in ground and tap water that is based on 1000 uL injection, AS11
column, 100 mM NaOH eluent and suppressed conductivity detection using ASRS. It
has an MDL of 0.25 µg/L, MRL of ~ 1.0 µg/L, a linear calibration
range of 2 to 100 µg/L, and recovery of 98-99% at 2.5 µg/L
Improved Method for the Determination of Trace Perchlorate in
Ground and Drinking Waters by Ion Chromatography
Jackson, P.E.; S. Gokhale;
T. Streib; J.S. Rohrer; C.A. Pohl, Dionex Corp., Sunnyvale, CA
Journal of
Chromatography--A, Vol 888 No 1/2, p 151-158, 4 Aug 2000
An improved ion chromatographic method has been developed for
the determination of low µg/l levels of perchlorate in ground and
drinking waters based on a Dionex IonPac AS16 column, a hydroxide eluent
generated using an EG40 automated eluent generator, large loop (1 ml)
injection, and suppressed conductivity detection. The method is free of
interferences from common inorganic anions, linear over the range of 2-100
µg/l perchlorate, and quantitative recoveries are obtained for low
µg/l levels of perchlorate in spiked ground- and drinking-water samples.
The method has a detection limit of 0.15 µg/l.
Method 314.0--Determination of Perchlorate in Drinking Water
Using Ion Chromatography
Hautman, Daniel P. (U.S. EPA, Office of Ground
Water and Drinking Water); David J. Munch; Andrew D. Eaton (Montgomery Watson
Laboratories); Ali W. Haghani
Method 314.0, Rev 1.0, Nov 1999
This method covers the determination of perchlorate in reagent
water, surface water, ground water, and finished drinking water using ion
chromatography. It is recommended for use only by or under the supervision of
analysts experienced in the use of ion chromatography and in the interpretation
of the resulting ion chromatograms. The method calls for a 1.0 mL volume of
sample to be introduced into an ion chromatograph (IC). Perchlorate is
separated and measured, using a system comprised of an ion chromatographic
pump, sample injection valve, guard column, analytical column, suppressor
device, and conductivity detector.
Microscale Extraction of Perchlorate in Drinking Water with
Low Level Detection by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry
Magnuson, M.L.; E.T.
Urbansky; C.A. Kelty, U.S. EPA, Water Supply and Resources Div., Cincinnati, OH
Talanta, Vol 52 No 2, p 285-291, 21 Jun 2000
Perchlorate in drinking water has been determined at
sub-microgram/l levels by extraction of the ion-pair formed between the
perchlorate ion and a cationic surfactant with electrospray mass spectrometry
detection, a technique that compared favorably with results determined by ion
chromatography. Confidence in the selective quantification of the perchlorate
ion is increased through both the use of the mass based detection as well as
the selectivity of the ion pair. This study investigates several extraction
solvents and experimental work-up procedures in order to achieve high sample
throughput. The method detection limit for perchlorate was 300 ng/l
(parts-per-trillion) for methylene chloride extraction and 270 ng/l for IBMK
extraction. Extraction with methylene chloride produces linear calibration
curves, enabling standard addition to be used to quantify perchlorate in
drinking water.
Miniaturized Reference Electrode Based on
Perchlorate-Sensitive Field Effect Transistor
Pöötter, W.; C.
Dumschat; K. Cammann
Analytical Chemistry, Vol 67 No 24, 4586-4588, 1995
Abstract not available.
Monitoring the Solid Phase Synthesis Using Ion-Selective
Pátek, Marcel (Selectide Corp., Tucson, AZ); Sylvia
Bildstein; Zuzana Flegelová (Biopharm, Research Inst. of Biopharmacy and
Veterinary Drugs, Jílové, Czech Republic)
Letters, Vol 39 No 8, p 753-756, 1998
Ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) offer another noninvasive method
for monitoring and quantitative determination of basic functionalities on solid
support. The ISE method is based on complete protonation of basic
functionalities after treatment of the resin with a large excess of 1% HClO4.
After thorough washing with water, the bound anion is eluted with a suitable
base providing an easily detectable perchlorate anion that can be quantified
potentiomentrically with a perchlorate ion-selective electrode. Limitations of
this technique include the requisite use of water-compatible solid supports and
basic functionalities possessing a pKHB+ > 7.
The New Analytical Method and Related Issues
Perchlorate Issue Group Presentations, AWWA website
The California Department of Health Services (CDHS) has
developed an interim analytical method protocol for perchlorate. The method
detection limit of 0.7 µg/l in reagent water addresses the desired 4
µg/l detection limit in aqueous environmental matrices, and an 18 ppb
action level. This ion chromatographic (IC) method has been used to detect
perchlorate in water supplies in California, Arizona, and Nevada. Goals for an
analytical method include that it be simple, rugged, use widely-available
equipment and expertise, be cost-effective, reliable, and produce data of known
and adequate quality. The CDHS method uses a strong base eluent. Strong acid is
used to regenerate the column after analysis. The column is an anion-exchange
type, from which perchlorate elutes relatively late (about 7.5 minutes
retention time). A general conductivity detector is used. The potential for
false positives and negatives should be studied. Potential analytical
interferences could include iodide, bromate, iodate, thiocyanate, sulfate, and
nitrate anions. The ion chromatographic retention time of perchlorate shifts
with concentration. For example, one research group reported a retention time
of 35 minutes for a 50 ppm solution. This time was shortened to 20 minutes for
a 2 parts-per-thousand solution. Confirmatory analytical techniques would be
desirable, both qualitative (identity) and quantitative (precision and
accuracy). Other methods for perchlorate analysis are available, but either are
not suitable or have not been optimized for trace-level environmental analysis.
Capillary electrophoresis has been applied to perchlorate analysis in the ppm
concentration level, with general detectors, such as ultraviolet, and with
specific detectors such as Raman or mass spectrometric. Electrospray mass
spectrometry has also been used to detect perchlorates. The following
capabilities of the CDHS method should be defined: confirmation of analyte
identity, and absence of interference (false positives, false negatives);
single and multiple laboratory precision and accuracy; matrix effects such as
dissolved solids/conductivity. Sample holding times and sample preservation
should also be investigated. One goal for future research is to determine the
stability of perchlorate in the environment, particularly aqueous ecosystems.
The thermodynamics of perchlorate decomposition are favorable; it is
potentially a powerful oxidizer. The kinetics are slow at ambient temperatures
and in the absence of catalysis. Whether biological systems provide biochemical
catalysts has not been found to date in the literature search. This question is
key to answering concerns about the relative toxicity of the perchlorate anion
in drinking water. In summary, several laboratory-based studies of the Cal-DHS
method would be worthwhile.
Perchlorate Identification in Fertilizers
Susarla, S.;
T.W. Collette; A.W. Garrison; N.L. Wolfe; S.C. McCutcheon, U.S. EPA,Natl.
Exposure Res. Lab., Athens, GA
Environmental Science & Technology, Vol
33 No 19, p 3469-3472, 1 Oct 1999
After fertilizer samples were dispersed in H2O, centrifuged, and
further diluted before analysis, ion chromatography was performed using a
Dionex 500 ion chromatograph. The detection limit was 10 µg/l. Capillary
electrophoresis was used as confirmation. The limit of detection was 10 mg/l
perchlorate and the average RSD was 1.1%. Further confirmation was provided by
Raman spectrometry. The types and configurations of the analytical instruments
are detailed. Results are presented and discussed with reference to the
possible action of fertilizers as sources of perchlorate in the food chain.
Perchlorate in the Environment [Papers presented at the 218th
American Chemical Society symposium in the Division of Environmental Chemistry,
22-24 August 1999, New Orleans, Louisiana]
Urbansky, E.T. (ed.)
Publishers, New York. ISBN: 030646389X. Environmental Science Research, V. 57,
These collected papers comprise the first comprehensive book to
address perchlorate as a potable water contaminant. The two main topics are
analytical chemistry (focusing on ion chromatography and electrospray
ionization mass spectrometry), and treatment or remediation. Also included are
topics such as ion exchange, phytoremediation, bacterial reduction of
perchlorate, bioreactors, and in situ bioremediation. To provide complete
coverage, background chapters on fundamental chemistry, toxicology, and
regulatory issues are also included. The authors are environmental consultants,
government researchers, industry experts, and university professors from a wide
array of disciplines.
Perchlorate-Selective MEMFETs and ISEs Based on a New
Errachid, A.; C. Perez-Jimenez; J. Casabo; L.
Escriche; J.A. Munoz; A. Bratov; J. Bausells
Centre Nacional de
Microelectronica, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
Sensors and Actuators B
(Chemical), Vol B43 No 1-3, p 206-210, Sep 1997
A new phosphadithiamacrocycle has been synthesized and used as a
neutral carrier in ion-selective PVC membranes that have been applied to the
development of perchlorate-selective MEMFETs and ISEs. Both devices have shown
a wide working pH range and better response and selectivity for perchlorate
ions than conventional ClO4 - electrodes based on
hydrophobic cations as electroactive species.
Potentiometry with Perchlorate and Fluoroborate Ion-Selective
Carbon Paste Electrodes
Jezkova, J.; J. Musilova; K. Vytras, Dept. Anal.
Chem., Fac. Chem. Technol., Univ. Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic
Electroanalysis, Vol 9 No 18, p 1433-1436, Dec 1997
The electrodes were used for both direct potentiometric
measurements and potentiometric titration with 0.1M-cetylpyridinium chloride.
The electrodes had a rapid response, low resistance and limits of detection and
selectivity similar to the limits of commercial membrane electrodes.
Quantitation of Perchlorate Ion by Electrospray Ionization
Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS) Using Stable Association Complexes with Organic
Cations and Bases to Enhance Selectivity
Urbansky, Edward T.; Matthew L.
Magnuson; David Freeman; Christopher Jelks, U.S. EPA, Cincinnati, OH
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, Vol 14 No 12, p 1861-1866, 01
Dec 1999
Although ion chromatographic methods presently offer the lowest
limit of detection for quantitation of trace levels of perchlorate ion in water
(~40 nM (4 ng ml-1)), chromatographic retention times are not
considered to be unique identifiers and often cannot be used in legal
proceedings without confirmatory testing. Mass spectrometry can provide such
confirmation; however, detection capabilities can impose a practical limitation
on its use. Moreover, quadrupole mass spectrometers cannot provide sufficient
accuracy and precision in m/z to identify conclusively an ion as perchlorate
when samples are run directly without prior chromatographic or electrophoretic
separation. The authors report on the abilities of tetralkylammonium cations
and minimally nucleophilic, sterically hindered organic bases to increase
selectivity in the electrospray ionization mass spectrometric (ESI-MS)
determination of perchlorate ion without concomitant loss of sensitivity. The
chlorhexidine-perchlorate complex (m/z equals 605) can be observed even in the
presence of equiformal nitrate, nitrite, hydrogen sulfate, chloride, bromide,
bromate, and chlorate (all together) down to approximately 1 µM; thus,
the method is rugged enough to find application to systems containing multiple
inorganic anions.
Quantitative Determination of Perchlorate Ion Concentrations
in Urine
Richman, K., American Pacific Corp., Cedar City, UT
American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition, Toronto, Ontario,
American Industrial Hygiene Association, Fairfax, VA
Perchlorate (ClO4) concentration in water can be quantitatively
analyzed using ion chromatography, and the technique has been adapted for the
analysis of urine samples. Instrument parameters included a Dionex Ionpac AS11,
AG11 column, elution with 100 mM NaOH, a flow rate of 1.00 mL/min, and an
injection volume of 1000 mL. Suppressed conductivity was used for detection
(Dionex ASRS-II, autosuppression external water mode) at a column temperature
of 30 degrees C. Perchlorate ions eluted from the chromatography column in less
than 10 minutes, and all urine components eluted from the column in less than
20 minutes. A practical lower limit for quantifying the perchlorate level was
determined to be 0.5 parts per million (ppm).
Rapid Normal Raman Spectroscopy of Sub-ppm Oxy-Anion
Solutions: The Role of Electrophoretic Preconcentration
Kowalchyk, Will K.;
Patrick A. Walker III; Michael D. Morris
Applied Spectroscopy, Vol 49 No 8,
Aug 1995
Normal Raman spectroscopy is used as an on-line detector for
capillary electrophoresis to detect sub-ppm mixtures of nitrate and perchlorate
in water. Field-amplified injection, a form of sample stacking, into a running
electrolyte of 0.1 M KCl increases the analyte concentration at the detection
window by up to 1800 times its starting value. Raman bands of nitrate (1047
cm-1) and perchlorate (934 cm-1) are measured in a total
separation time of less than 3 minutes, using only 1 second integration times.
The authors demonstrate the Raman spectroscopy of solutions originally 1 x
10-5 M nitrate (620 ppb) and perchlorate (1 ppm).
Recent Developments in the Analysis of Perchlorate Using Ion
Jackson, P.E.; S. Gokhale; J.S. Rohrer, Dionex Corporation,
Sunnyvale, CA
Abstracts of Papers - American Chemical Society, Division of
Environmental Chemistry, 218th National Meeting, 22-26 August 1999,
New Orleans, LA. [Session title: Perchlorate in the Environment--Toxicological,
Ecological, Analytical, Water Treatment and Site Remediation Developments in
Pure and Applied Science]
Plenum Pub., New York. ISBN: 9-8412-3685-2. Vol
218 Pt 1, 1999
Abstract not available.
Response Characteristics of Anion-Selective Polymer Membrane
Electrodes Based on Gallium(III), Indium(III) and Thallium(III) Porphyrins
Steinle, Erich D.; Ulrich Schaller; Mark E. Meyerhoff *
Dept. of
Chemistry, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Analytical Sciences (Japan
Society for Analytical Chemistry), Vol 14 No 1, Feb 1998
The researchers examined the potentiometric anion responses of
ion-selective electrodes prepared with polymeric membranes doped with
gallium(III), indium(III) and thallium(III) metalloporphyrins. When inserted
into either octaethyl- or tetraphenyl-porphyrin derivatives and subsequently
incorporated into plasticized polyvinylchloride membranes, these group XIII
metals serve as anion ionophores with selectivity patterns that deviate
significantly from the classical Hofmeister series for anions. The gallium(III)
porphyrin-based electrodes exhibit significantly enhanced response toward
fluoride, whereas the indium(III) and thallium(III) porphyrins display some
preference for chloride and also effectively discriminate less hydrated anions
such as perchlorate and nitrate. All of the metalloporphyrins investigated have
been determined to function via a charged carrier response mechanism. This
mechanism is elucidated by correlating the effect of adding lipophilic ionic
sites, either cationic (quaternary ammonium) or anionic (tetraphenylborate)
salts, to the observed anion selectivity and response patterns of the
metalloporphyrin-based liquid /polymer membrane electrodes.
Selective Determination of Perchlorate at Sub-ppb Levels
Using a Unique Stationary Phase
Bogren, Karin
Pittcon 2000: Pittsburgh
Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy [50th], 12-17 March
2000, New Orleans, LA
Abstract not available.
System Toggles Between IC and FIA
Water Technology News,
Vol 7 No 11, Feb 2000
Lachat Instruments has developed an Ion Chromatography (IC)
method for the isolation of perchlorate. Lachat's IC method for separating
perchlorate detects the ion at concentrations as low as 4 ppb in ground water.
Contact: Lachat Instruments, 6645 W. Mill Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53218. (414)
358-4200, Fax: (414) 358-4206.
Thermo Orion Ion Selective Electrodes
The Plastic Membrane Half-Cell is a Thermo Orion Half-Cell ISE
that is useful for ammonium, calcium, chloride, fluoroborate, nitrate,
perchlorate, potassium, and water hardness. The design of the sensing element
determines the sensitivity and selectivity for the ion of interest. This
electrode has a range that permits the sensing of perchlorate at 1.0 to 7 x
10-6 M, 99,500 to 0.7 ppm, at 0-40 degrees C.
Contact: Thermo
Orion, 500 Cummings Center, Beverly, MA 01915, (978) 232-6000 or (800)
Trace Level Determination of Perchlorate in Water Matrices
and Human Urine Using ESI-FAIMS-MS
Ells, Barbara; David A. Barnett; Randy
W. Purves; Roger Guevremont
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, Vol 2 No
5, p 393-397, Oct 2000
Abstract not available.
Using Ion Chromatography to Detect Perchlorate
Howard S.; Dharmendra K. Rishi,Frank J. Baumann, S. Kusum Perera, William R.
California Dept. of Health Services, Berkeley, CA
Journal AWWA,
Vol 91 No 10, p 73-84, Oct 1999
Preliminary studies by the U.S. EPA established 4-18 µg/L
as a "safe" concentration for perchlorate in drinking water; however, until
recently no available method could detect this toxic substance at such low
concentrations. Researchers at the California Department of Health Services
initiated a study to develop and validate a new method to analyze trace amounts
of perchlorate in water. The "California DHS Method" relies on ion
chromatography with suppressed conductivity. It was found to provide reliable
and reproducible results in detecting perchlorate at concentrations >4
µg/L in ground water and surface water. It has also been successfully
used to test California drinking water wells considered vulnerable to
perchlorate contamination. The method can provide quality results that should
be acceptable to regulatory and health agencies.
The World of Separation Science: IICS '99--A Solid Year of
Progress in Ion Analysis [editorial]
Stevenson, Robert
Laboratory News, Apr 2000
Ion chromatography (IC) is not on every radar screen, but a
small group of researchers are making consistent progress in improving ease of
use and detection limits. Economic impact is huge, since IC is employed to
monitor water used in the production of semiconductors, electrical power
generation, drinking water disinfection, and numerous environmental sites. In
the area of column selection in IC, Jeff Rohrer of Dionex compared several
columns for the analysis of polarizable anions with a special emphasis on
perchlorate. Perchlorate is cropping up in many unexpected places, primarily as
a result of propellants in space and military activities. Perchlorate is
suspected of affecting thyroid function as well as causing Reye's syndrome.
Last year, Mr. Rohrer described the use of the AS-16 column with the EG 40
eluent generator. This provided better peak shape than the AS-11. However,
there was a need to determine traces of perchlorate in groundwater with high
chloride or sulfate. Although there are sample preparation techniques that can
reduce the background, such as chloride precipitation with silver ion, these
techniques are extra steps and may also occlude part of the sample. Thus, the
Dionex column developers devised a high-capacity version called the AS-16 HC.
The column, combined with the eluent generator, provides an LOD of less than
0.2 ppb with a linear range extending up to 10 ppb in the presence of high ppm
levels of sulfate or chloride. A study for thiosulfate showed similar