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Groundwater Cleanup: Overview of Operating Experience at 28 Sites Published 1999
This report summarizes information about the groundwater remediation systems at 28 sites across the United States at which completed or ongoing groundwater cleanup programs are in place, including: design, operation, and performance of the systems; capital, operating, and unit costs of the systems; and factors that potentially affect the cost and performance of the systems. Data from the case studies are compared and contrasted to assist those involved in evaluating and selecting remedies for groundwater contamination at hazardous waste sites. Of the 28 case study sites, 24 are Superfund remedial actions, one is a Superfund removal action, one is a state cleanup, and two are Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) corrective actions. The sites are located throughout the U.S. and include a range of site types and hydrogeological conditions.

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