In the OSWER Directive No. 9200.0-33, Transmittal of Final FY’00 - FY’01 Superfund Reforms Strategy, dated July 7, 2000, the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response outlined a commitment to optimize our Fund-lead pump and treat (P&T) systems. The Optimization Initiative is intended to encourage systematic review and modification to existing P&T systems to enhance overall remedy effectiveness and cost effectiveness, without compromising protectiveness or other objectives of the Superfund program. It provides EPA an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to effective management of our long-term remedies. This effort recognizes that remedial approaches should not remain static, that site conditions change over time, and that better tools and strategies have evolved which allow us to continuously improve the performance of the remedy. This reform initiative does not signal any change in EPA’s decision-making framework for selecting remedies that are protective of human health and the environment. Any remedy modifications should be carried out in accordance with existing guidance and policy regarding ROD modifications and the Administrative Record. |