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Message #12: February, 1998


This is the twelfth TechDirect. Since January 1, TechDirect has 170 new subscribers for a total of 4133. Welcome to all the newcomers. If your peers are interested in subscribing to TechDirect, they may do so on the Clean-Up Information (CLU-IN) home page at http://clu-in.org/techdrct. If they do not have Internet access, your peers may subscribe by sending an email message to lyris@lists.epa.gov, do not type anything onto the "Subject" line, and in the body of the message type: subscribe TechDirect [First name] [Last name]. All TechDirect's previous messages are archived on CLU-IN.

New Technology Verification Reports

Environmental Verification Report: Field Portable Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer - Viking Instruments Corporation SpectraTrak 672 (EPA 600-R-97-148). This report prepared under the EPA Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program, reports the results of demonstrations to test the performance claims of the vendor. It also provides an applications assessment and a signed EPA verification statement [December 1997, 84 pages]. Download from http://clu-in.org/techpubs.htm. Hard copies available from (800) 490-9198 or (513) 489-8190 or fax your request to (513) 891-6685.

Environmental Verification Report: Field Portable Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer - Bruker-Franzen Analytical Systems, Inc EM640 (EPA 600-R-97-149). This report prepared under the EPA Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program, reports the results of demonstrations to test the performance claims of the vendor. It also provides an applications assessment and a signed EPA verification statement [December 1997, 90 pages]. Download from http://clu-in.org/techpubs.htm. Hard copies available from (800) 490-9198 or (513) 489-8190 or fax your request to (513) 891-6685.


Engineering Bulletin: Technology Alternatives for the Remediation of Soils Contaminated with As, Cd, Cr, Hg, and Pb (EPA 540-S-97-500). This publication provides remediation managers with information to facilitate the selection of appropriate remedial alternatives for soils contaminated with As, Cd, Cr, Hg, and Pb [August 1997, 19 pages]. This bulletin primarily condenses information included in a more comprehensive Technical Resource Document entitled, Contaminants and Remedial Options at Selected Metal-Contaminated Sites. Download from http://clu-in.org/techpubs.htm. Hard copies available from (800) 490-9198 or (513) 489-8190 or fax your request to (513) 891-6685.

Environmental Research Brief: Anaerobic Biodegradation of BTEX in Aquifer Material (EPA 600-S-97-003). The study focuses on anaerobic biodegradation of BTEX isomers in aquifer material from two petroleum-contaminated aquifers. At both sites, destructive microcosm experiments were conducted following the EPA protocol for estimation of anaerobic microbiological transformation rate data [August 1997, 9 pages]. Download from http://www.epa.gov/ada/pubs/rschbrief.html. For hard copies contact (405) 436-8651 or fax your request to (405) 436-8503.

Environmental Research Brief: Innovative Measures for Subsurface Chromium Remediation: Source Zone, Concentrated Plume, and Dilute Plume (EPA-600-S-97-005). This report describes innovative measures for addressing chromium contamination in each of the three areas described in the title. For the source zone, surfactant enhanced chromium extraction in evaluated, for the concentrated plume polyelectrolyte-enhanced ultrafiltration is evaluated, and for the dilute plume, the effectiveness of permeable barrier wall is evaluated [September 1997, 16 pages]. Download from http://www.epa.gov/ada/pubs/rschbrief.html. For hard copies contact (405) 436-8651 or fax your request to (405) 436-8503.

Electrokinetic Laboratory and Field Processes Applicable to Radioactive and Hazardous Mixed Waste in Soil and Groundwater (EPA 402-R-97-006). This report, prepared by the EPA Office of Air and Radiation, describes published work on electrokinetic remediation from 1992-1997. This work includes electrokinetic remediation used at the commercial, pilot, bench and conceptual scale [July 1997, 82 pages]. Download from http://www.epa.gov/ada/pubs/rschbrief.html. Hard copies available from (800) 490-9198 or (513) 489-8190 or fax your request to (513) 891-6685.

Technology Evaluation Report: Remediation of Metals-Contaminated Soils and Groundwater (TE-97-01). This report, developed by the Ground Water Remediation Technologies Analysis Center, discusses the current status of existing technologies to treat metals-contaminated soils and groundwater, including the science involved. Several field demonstration summaries are presented, with such information as: participants, compounds treated, site characteristics, results, and contacts. Also discussed are economics of the technology, regulatory requirements, and constraints and limitations of technologies [December 1997, 61 pages]. Download from http://www.gwrtac.org.

Cement-based Solidification/Stabilization of Lead-Contaminated Soil at a Utah Highway Construction Site (RP332). This report, published by the Portland Cement Association, discusses the use of cement to solidify and stabilize lead contaminated soils at a Superfund emergency response site. It provides details on design and construction aspects of the cleanup [Summer 1995, 8 pages]. For hard copies, contact the Portland Cement Association at (847) 966-6200 ext. 335 or fax a request to (847) 966-8389.

Technical Requirements For On-site Low Temperature Thermal Treatment Of Non-hazardous Soils Contaminated With Petroleum/ Coal Tar/Gas Plant Wastes. This report was produced by the Interstate Technology Regulatory Cooperation (ITRC) workgroup. It provides a baseline of technical requirements for implementation of LTTD for cleanup of petroleum and MGP contaminated soils. The ITRC intended to produce a standard set of technical requirements which could serve as a model to allow the LTTD technology to move from state to state, without unnecessary redevelopment of technical requirements [May 1996, 18 pages]. View or download from http://www.itrcweb.org/. For hard copies, contact Rick Tomlinson at (916) 920-9580 or fax to (916) 920-9581.

Tech Trends Newsletter (EPA 542-N-98-003). This issue highlights in situ remediation technologies using various forms of electrokinetics and electro-heating [February 1998, 4 pages]. Download from http://clu-in.org/techpubs.htm. Hard copies available from (800) 490-9198 or (513) 489-8190 or fax your request to (513) 891-6685.

EPA Oil Spill Program Update, Vol. 1, No. 2. This periodic EPA Oil Spill Program update features articles on program topics such as area contingency plans, the new SPCC proposed amendment, and the Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) [January 1998, 8 pages]. Download at http://www.epa.gov/superfund/programs/er/index.htm. For hard copies, contact Beatriz Oliveira at (703) 603-1229.


SITE Program Open Solicitation. The EPA Superfund Innovative Technologies Evaluation (SITE) program Host Site Application remains open until February 28, 1998. The SITE program is soliciting for hazardous waste sites that are available to host full scale demonstrations. Complete details regarding the solicitation may be downloaded at http://www.epa.gov/ORD/SITE/whatsnew.html. For questions regarding the solicitation, contact Randy Parker at (513) 569-7176 or Vince Gallardo at (513) 569-7271.

Second Biennial EPA Freshwater Spills Symposium, March 3-5, 1998, St. Louis, MO. This symposium will bring local, federal, state and industry responders and planners and others together to discuss issues regarding inland oil spill response.

Innovative Technologies for Site Assessment and Monitoring Workshop, March 30, Boston, MA. This workshop is intended to bring together for hands on training state regulators, engineering contractors, site owners and individuals involved in Brownfield's cleanups. Participants will receive valuable information on the operation, cost, logistics and data acceptance issues. Limited travel assistance available for state and city employees. Contact ON-Site Insights, NHSRC/NJIT, 17 Glen Road, Wayland, MA 01778 or Dr. Andrea Kinney at (508) 358-3532, FAX (508) 358-5091 or email to andreakinney@worldnet.att.net.

Rocky Mountain Hazardous Materials Association's 18th Annual Training And Education Seminar, March 30-April 3, 1998, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Courses include: National Fire Academy certified 16 hour Emergency Response to Terrorism: Basic Concepts or 8 hour classes on Confined Space Entry and Field Hazardous Categorization. There will also be sessions on Responding to a Pipeline Emergency, UPS Shipments, How to do Rural Haz Mat, Case Studies, etc. For copies of the conference brochure, or to register, please contact George at 303-287-5010 or 303-286-6448 (fax). Registration costs for the conference are: $100 for members, $200 for non-members as an early-bird special (register by February 28, 1998) and $150 for members, $250 for non-members after that date. Vendor fee will remain $100.

Reminder!! Environmental Innovation in the Metals Industry for the 21st Century, March 31 - April 2, 1998, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Sponsored by the Air and Waste Management Association, this specialty conference will serve as a forum to exchange information and environmental management strategies for the 21st century. For more information, contact Roger Dhonau at (412) 221-1100.

Page last modified: October 12, 1998