U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Global Efforts to Advance Remediation at Contaminated Sites

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS)

The NATOAdobe PDF Logo CCMS was established in 1969 to facilitate information exchange among countries on problems affecting the environment of member nations and the quality of life of their citizens. CCMS supports the sharing knowledge and experience on technical, scientific, and policy aspects of social and environmental matters in both the civilian and military sectors of NATO and Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) countries. EPA has supported CCMS by directing pilot studies on several environmental topics.

CCMS organized pilot studies to address the technical aspects of addressing contaminated land, beginning with the first pilot study (1980 to 1984) which included a review of remediation methods considered to be "state-of-the-art". This study led to the Phase I Pilot Study (1986 to 1991) which had an expanded scope to assess remediation technologies that were considered to be emerging, innovative, and alternative. The Phase I pilot study provided information on the technical performance and economic data of the demonstrated remediation technologies and included successes, limitations, and failures.

From 1992 to 1997, a Phase II Pilot Study was performed based on the Phase I Pilot Study but additionally sought to provide information on demonstrated technologies as well as information on the development of emerging and innovative technologies. The pilot study was also intended to develop uniform data reporting methods to enable direct comparison of results for technologies tested in multiple countries.

A Phase III Pilot Study took place from 1998 to 2007 with a similar scope to the Phase II Pilot Study but included participants from EPAC and Japan. Many of the projects involved two or more technologies that were either integrated or performed in parallel. One of the objectives of this pilot study was to present various countries' technology deployment approaches to assist other countries in developing their own technology strategies.

Following is information on CCMS Pilot Studies:

Pilot Study Phase II - Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Remedial Action Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater

Pilot Study Phase III - Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Remedial Action Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater

The Prevention and Remediation Issues in Selected Industrial Sectors Pilot Study sought to identify best practices for decreasing environmental and health impacts from industrial sectors. Each year of the study focused on a different industrial sector or site type, contributed to an annual meeting, and resulted in the production of a summary report.

Modeling Nutrient Loads and Response in River and Estuary Systems Pilot Study Final Report, June 2005Adobe PDF Logo

Use of Landscape Science for Environmental AssessmentAdobe PDF Logo

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