Cost and Performance Reports: On-Site Incineration
at Superfund Sites
Incineration has been used as a
remedy at more than 40 superfund sites. Information on cost and performance of
incineration can be valuable to Remedial Project Managers (RPMs) and other
decision makers responsible for future site cleanup projects. To date, reports
on cost and performance for this technology have been limited. Fifteen case
studies were prepared to obtain additional data on operating experience for
completed projects. A report summarizing the case studies, and providing
technology descriptions is available below. The report makes general
observations based on individual applications. |
- On-Site Incineration: Overview of Superfund Operating
- On-Site Incineration at the Baird and McGuire Superfund Site,
Holbrook, Massachusetts
- On-Site Incineration at the Bayou Bonfouca Superfund Site,
Slidell, Louisiana
- On-Site Incineration at the Bridgeport Refinery and Oil Services
Superfund Site, Logan Township, New Jersey
- On-Site Incineration at the Celanese Corporation Shelby Fiber
Operations Superfund Site, Shelby, North Carolina
- On-Site Incineration at the Coal Creek Superfund Site, Chehalis,
- On-Site Incineration at the FMC Corporation - Yakima Pit Superfund
Site, Yakima, Washington
- On-Site Incineration at the MOTCO Superfund Site, Texas City,
- On-Site Incineration at the Old Midland Products Superfund Site,
Ola, Arkansas
- On-Site Incineration at the Petro Processors Superfund Site, Baton
Rouge, Louisiana
- On-Site Incineration at the Basin F Liquids at the Rocky Mountain
Arsenal Superfund Site, Commerce City, Colorado
- On-Site Incineration at the Rose Disposal Pit Superfund Site,
Lanesborough, Massachusetts
- On-Site Incineration at the Rose Township Dump Superfund Site,
Holly, Michigan
- On-Site Incineration at the Sikes Disposal Pits Superfund Site,
Crosby, Texas
- On-Site Incineration at the Times Beach
Superfund Site, Times Beach, Missouri
- On-Site Incineration at the Vertac Chemical Corporation Superfund
Site, Jacksonville, Arkansas
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