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 Links to Additional Resources
I. Today's Presentation View Download
Download Today's Seminar For Future Reference   view/download
II. Geophysical Resources View Download
U.S. EPA Region 5 Geophysical Support view/download  
Geostatistical software packages available through EPA's National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL) Environmental Science Division (ESD) view/download  
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Office of Ground Water, Branch of Geophysics view/download  
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) HRTW Center of Expertise, Technical Resources on Geotechnical/Geology view/download  
USACE Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), Technical Reports on Geophysical Surveys view/download  
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Technical Standards for Industries Worldwide view/download  
Guide D6432-99 Standard Guide for Using the Surface Ground Penetrating Radar Method for Subsurface Investigation view/download  
EPA/625/R-92/007 Use of Airborne, Surface, and Borehole Geophysical Techniques at Contaminated Sites   view/download
USACE, EM1110-1-1802, Geophysical Exploration for Engineering and Environmental Investigation view/download  
Geophysical Techniques for Sensing Buried Wastes and Waste Migration   view/download
Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS) view/download  
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Geophysical Data Center view/download  
Society of Exploration Geophysicists, New Surface Section view/download  
III. Case Studies View Download
Application of Geophysical Methods to Delineate Contamination in Fractured Rock at the University of Connecticut Landfill, Storrs, Connecticut   view/download
Mapping a Paleochannel System Controlling Contaminant Migration at a Wood-Treating Facility Using Electromagnetics   view/download
Use of Seismic Reflection Amplitude versus Offset (AVO) Techniques to Image Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL)   view/download
IV. Systematic Planning View Download
U.S. EPA Region 9 Quality Management Plan (QMP) view/download  
U.S. EPA OSWER Performance-Based Measurement System (PBMS) Implementation Plan view/download  
Fully Integrated Environmental Location Decision Support (FIELDS) Software view/download  
DQO-PRO Software view/download  
Technical Project Planning (TPP) Process, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1.3MB/PDF)   view/download
Guidance for the Data Quality Objectives Process—EPA 600-R-96-055 (92K/PDF)   view/download
Data Quality Objectives Process for Hazardous Waste Site Investigations EPA QA/G-4HW-EPA 600-R-00-007 (684K/PDF)   view/download
Guidance for Data Quality Assessment: Practical Methods for Data Analysis EPA QA/G-9 (QA00 Update)—EPA 600-R-96-084 (1.3MB/PDF)   view/download
Guidance on Quality Assurance Project Plans—EPA 600-R-98-018 (555K/PDF)   view/download
Guidance for the Data Quality Objectives Process for Hazardous Waste Sites view/download  
DOE Hanford DQO Web Page view/download  
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory DQO Web Page view/download  
Quality Assurance Guidance for Conducting Brownfields Site Assessments-EPA 540-R-98-038 view/download  
A Rationale for the Assessment of Errors in the Sampling of Soils—EPA 600-R-90-013 (499K/PDF)   view/download
Engineering and Design - Requirements for the Preparation of Sampling and Analysis Plans (EM 200-1-3) view/download  
Clarifying DQO Terminology Usage to Support Modernization of Site Cleanup Practice view/download  
V. Dynamic Workplans View Download
A Guideline for Dynamic Workplans and Field Analytics: The Keys to Cost-Effective Site Characterization and Cleanup (includes 18-minute video) view/download  
A Dynamic Site Investigation: Adaptive Sampling and Analysis Program for Operable Unit 1 at Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, Massachusetts view/download  
University of Connecticut Expedited Site Assessment Reports (for UST sites) view/download  
D6235-98 Standard Practice for Expedited Site Characterization of Vadose Zone and Ground Water Contamination at Hazardous Waste Contaminated Sites (available from American Society for Testing and Materials) view/download  
Ames Laboratory's Environmental Technology Development Program view/download  
Dynamic Field Activities Webpage view/download  
Wenatchee Tree Fruit Research Center, Wenatchee, Washington

Cost and Performance Report: Expedited Characterization and Soil Remediation At the Test Plot Area Wenatchee Tree Fruit Research Center Wenatchee, Washington


Innovations in Site Characterization Case Study: Site Cleanup of the Wenatchee Tree Fruit Test Plot Site Using a Dynamic Work Plan (613K/PDF)


Remedial Action Management Plan (111K/PDF)


Work Plan Addendum (12K/PDF)


Sampling and Analysis Plan Field Sampling Plan - Part B (191K/PDF)


Quality Assurance Project Plan Sampling and Analysis Plan - Part C (155K/PDF)

VI. On-Site Analysis—Field Analytical Technology Selection View Download
Center for Public Environmental Oversight–Technology Tree view/download  
California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) Technology Certification Program view/download  
ETV Canada Inc. view/download  
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) [DOE/DoD/EPA] view/download  
U.S. Waterways Hazardous Waste Research Center Publications on Monitoring and Characterization view/download  
U.S. EPA Ada Laboratory Subsurface Remediation Information Center view/download  
EPA REmediation And CHaracterization Innovative Technologies (EPA REACH IT) view/download  
Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable Field Sampling and Analysis Technologies Matrix and Reference Guide view/download  
EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program, Site Characterization and Monitoring Technologies Pilot view/download  
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) view/download  
VII. On-Site Analysis—Field Analytical Data Acceptability View Download
Clarification Regarding Use of SW-846 Methods view/download  
Using Field Methods—Experiences and Lessons: Defensibility of Field Data (15K/PDF)   view/download
EPA Region 1 QA Unit Fact Sheet—Revised Data Validation Guidance view/download  
VIII. Sampling View Download
Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods (SW-846 Manual) view/download  
SW-846 Chapter 9   view/download
Draft EPA statistical sampling guidance (USEPA QA/G-5S)   view/download
SADA software (free) view/download  
An Online Training Course of EPA Region 9 and ERD-Athens on Direct Push/Cone Penetrometer view/download  
DP Technologies for Collecting Soil and Ground Water Grab Samples   view/download
Ground Water Issue Paper from EPA's Kerr Laboratory EPA/540/S-95/504  April 1996   view/download
New Monitoring Well Sampling Procedure—EPA Region 1 view/download  
Quality Assurance Guidances—EPA Region 2 view/download  
Ground Water Sampling Guidance Documents—EPA Region 4   view/download
Environmental Investigations Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual (EISOPQAM) (USEPA Region 4) view/download  
USEPA ERT Webpage view/download  
USACE CRREL Reports view/download  

User's Guide for Polyethylene-based Passive Diffusion Bag Samplers to Obtain Volatile Organic Compound Concentrations in Wells

IX. General Site Characterization Technology Information View Download
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Headquarters Library of Engineering Manuals view/download  
Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) Committee view/download  
EPA Superfund Technical Support Program view/download  
The Brownfields Technology Support Center view/download  
U.S. Army Environmental Center (AEC) and Naval Explosive Ordnance Technology Division (NAVEODTECHDIV) Technical Support Center view/download  
USACE Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Center of Excellence view/download  
Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC) view/download  
New England Waste Management Officials Association view/download  
Site Characterization and Monitoring Technologies: Bibliography of EPA Information Resources—EPA 542-B-98-003 view/download  
Road Map to Understanding Innovative Technology Options for Brownfields Investigation and Cleanup—EPA 542-B-99-009 view/download  
Tool Kit of Information Resources for Brownfields Investigation and Cleanup—EPA 542-B-99-009 view/download  
Summary of Recent Improvements in Methods for the Study of Contaminated and Potentially Contaminated Sites (238K/PDF)   view/download
OnSite: The On-line Site Assessment Tool view/download  
Site Characterization and Monitoring Technologies—Index of Interagency Case Study Information view/download  
Pneulogä Tool to Assist SVE view/download  
Innovative Techniques Used To Improve Mass Flux Calculations in Fractured Bedrock—Ground Water Currents (EPA 542-N-00-008) view/download  
Statistical Estimation and Visualization of Ground-Water Contamination Data (EPA 600-R-00-034)   view/download
X. Rebroadcast of Other Internet Seminars and Training Opportunities View Download
See the CLU-IN Studio for announcements of upcoming seminars and the archives of past seminars view/download  
Subscribe to the TechDirect ListServ and be notified of future Internet seminars view/download  
Introduction to Environmental Geophysics: Produced by U.S. EPA Environmental Response Team
Designed for individuals who have the responsibility for overseeing or planning the collection of site data or waste characteristics. It stresses practical information required to design or supervise geophysical surveys at hazardous waste sites.

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