Former Mining Sites
Former Military Sites
Former Industrial Production
EU Welcome: Project Overview
Risk Assessment
Harbors and River Sediments
Tours de Table
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Introduction |
Federal Contaminated Sites Management Policies in Canada—Blair James (Canada) |
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French (5.31 MB/PDF)
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French (45.7 MB/PPT)
NATO Scientific Programme—Thomas Strassburger (Canada) |
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PowerPoint (236 KB/PPT)
Update on Electronic Resources for Site Remediation and Characterization Information—Walter W. Kovalick, Jr. (United States) |
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PowerPoint (6.14 MB/PPT) |
Former Mining Sites |
Giant Mine Remediation Project—W. S. Mitchell (Canada) |
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PowerPoint (30.9 MB/PPT)
Salsigne: The Restoration of a Contaminated Site Taking Sanitary, Environmental and Economic Objectives Into Account—Patrick Jacquemin, Jolanda Boisson, Georges Pottecher, Ann Ruttens, Jaco Vangronsveld (France) |
Acrobat (12.7 MB/PDF) PowerPoint (28.2 MB/PPT) |
Application of Risk Manangement to Northern Affairs Contaminated Sites—Chris DaSilva (Canada) |
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PowerPoint (5.83 MB/PPT)
Update on MULTIBARRIER Wall for Acid Mine Drainage at Curilo Uranium Mine—Ludo Diels, L. Bastiaens, S. Groudev (Belgium) |
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PowerPoint (4.15 MB/PPT)
Former Military Sites |
Liquid Missile Propellant and Storage Facilities Elimination Project–Petro Nakhaba (Ukraine) |
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PowerPoint (10.8 MB/PPT) |
Remediation and Redevelopment at the Former Fort Devens, MA, USA—Virginia Lombardo (United States) |
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PowerPoint (8.86 MB/PPT) |
• Landfill Consolidation |
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• Zoning Districts and Underlying Federal Uses |
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Remediation of Military Sites in Germany—Dr. Wolf-Uwe Marr (Germany) |
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PowerPoint (42.5 MB/PPT) |
Environmental Remediation Project: Argentia, NL—Colin W. Janes, Glenn Worthman (Canada) |
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PowerPoint (51.1 MB/PPT) |
Former Industrial Production |
Environmental Strategies for Redevelopment at the Former Bethlehem Steel Facility—Linda Matyskiela, Randy L. Roush (United States) |
Acrobat (6.46 MB/PDF) PowerPoint (172 MB/PPT) |
Mega Sites in Czech Republic and Some Aspects of Biological Remediation—Kvetoslav Vlk, Robin Kyclt (Czech Republic) |
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Former Atlantic Steel Site—Hilburn O. Hillestad (United States) |
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PowerPoint (7.08 MB/PPT) |
Redevelopment of Former Industrial Lands in the Australian Capital Territory—Toby Hobbs (Australia) |
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Environmental Problems Related to Industries Near Cities—Kestutis Kadunas (Lithuania) |
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EU Welcome: Project Overview |
The WELCOME Integrated Management Strategy for Large Scale Historical Soil and Groundwater Contaminations: Introduction and Example Rotterdam Harbour Region—Huub Rijnaarts, Jeroen ter Meer (Netherlands) |
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PowerPoint (1.37 MB/PPT) |
Integrated Management Strategy for Risk Reduction of Groundwater Contamination at Tarnowskie Góry Megasite—Janusz Krupanek (Poland) |
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PowerPoint (25.4 MB/PPT) |
Integrated Management System for Antwerp Harbor and Polish Landfill Site—Ludo Diels, W. Dejonghe, J. Bronders, K. Vanbroekhoven, S. Van Roy, A. Szewczyk, M. Zabochnicka-Swiatek, J. Szdzuj, G. Malina (Belgium) |
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PowerPoint (13.2 MB/PPT) |
Management of Megasite Remediation After the Economic Upheaval in Eastern Germany: The Bitterfeld Case—M. Keil, J. Grossmann, H. Weiss (Germany) |
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PowerPoint (26.7 MB/PPT) |
Risk Assessment |
Dioxin and Furan Releases and Their Risk Assessment on the Population Health in Some Regions of the Russian Federation—Sergey Tikhonov (Russia) |
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Application of a Human Health Risk Assessment Software to Support Revitalisation Decisions at Post-Industrial Sites—Eleonora Wcislo, Jacek Dlugosz, Marek Korcz (Poland) |
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PowerPoint (2.17 MB/PPT) |
Harbors and River Sediments |
Rock Bay Remediation Project—Robert MacDonald (Canada) |
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PowerPoint (26.0 MB/PPT) |
Transboundary Cooperation for Hazard Prevention in the Kura-river Basin—Nino Chikovani (Georgia) |
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PowerPoint (5.53 MB/PPT) |
The Lachine Canal Revitalization Project—Jean-Claude Prévost (Canada) |
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PowerPoint (52.3 MB/PPT) |
Tours de Table |
The State of Remediation of the Polluted Sites in Latvia After Accession to the European Union—Ilgonis Strauss (Latvia) |
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PowerPoint (159 KB/PPT)
Tour de Table The Netherlands—H. Johan van Veen (Netherlands) |
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PowerPoint (11.0 MB/PPT)
National Implementation Plan for the Management of Persistent Organic Pollutants—Branko Druzina (Slovenia) |
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Word (171 KB/DOC)
State of the Art of Soil Remediation— Ludo Diels (Belgium) |
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PowerPoint (8.43 MB/PPT)
Contaminated Sites Management: Joint UMOE-DEPA Project—Petro Nakhaba (Ukraine) |
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PowerPoint (2.92 MB/PPT)
Tour de Table of Japan—Masaaki Hosomi (Japan) |
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PowerPoint (5.95 MB/PPT)
• Persistent Organic Pollutants—The Triple Price |
Video (90.9 MB/MPEG) |
• National Report of Ukraine on Harmonization of Society’s Activity in Natural Environment |
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• Public Evaluation of Environmental Policy in Ukraine |
Acrobat (591 KB/PDF) |